Thursday, June 29, 2006

As with everything, Sarah did an excellent job of arranging this forest get-together. Because no cooking is allowed in the Santa Fe National Forest right now-- due to the high fire danger, she arranged for the picnic to be catered by The Cowgirl Hall of Fame. There was a delicious spread of barbeque brisket and chicken and all the fixings. This was the best attended event of the Reunion.
Thanks Sarah! Job well done! Posted by Picasa
Time to sit back and relax Posted by Picasa
Crista arrives, anxious to meet a lot of relatives she's never met before. Posted by Picasa
Chace (Chase) is ready to roll.......... Posted by Picasa
She flies through the air with the greatest of ease...................... Posted by Picasa
The daring young man on his flying trapeeze!
Makenna finds the water spigot--no one will die of thirst on the picnic! Posted by Picasa
Coincidentally, this is the same shelter where the 1955 reunion picnic was held. Posted by Picasa
Bad boys, Bad boys Posted by Picasa
Pretty girl, pretty forest Posted by Picasa
When do we eat? Posted by Picasa
There were a few minor accidents.... Posted by Picasa
Cousins confab Posted by Picasa
Smokin' Mr. D.J. Posted by Picasa
Little man, big forrest Posted by Picasa
Roswita makes a bird call and waits for the bird to land on her finger. Posted by Picasa
Thanks for everything, cuz! Posted by Picasa
Cousins who love each other Posted by Picasa
In-laws who love each other... Posted by Picasa
Who's behind those Foster Grants? Posted by Picasa
Shelley smiling through Posted by Picasa
Boy talk Posted by Picasa
Girl talk Posted by Picasa
Award winning smile Posted by Picasa
Thoughts to ponder... Posted by Picasa
Forrest Serenade Posted by Picasa

It's the most romantic month of the year--February--the month of St. Valentine's Day!   Click on image to enlarge calendar photo for...