Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

We went for ashes at the 7:00 AM mass--before the "incident" at the 12:00 mass! Posted by Picasa
Grandma made it to church and to Tia Sophia's for breakfast. Posted by Picasa
Not everybody got his/her ashes. Posted by Picasa
Baby Binks arrived home feeling sick, so she spent her first few days in pajamas: Listening to Grandma's advice........... Posted by Picasa
Watching the Auntie and Uncle cuddle............... Posted by Picasa
Listening to Dwight's corny jokes............. Posted by Picasa
Watching Giano torture the pets.............. Posted by Picasa
Getting smothered by Mommie................ Posted by Picasa
And getting a dose of healthy scepticism from Uncle Danny. Posted by Picasa
Finally, she started getting better--although this day, she just got up long enough to go to the doctor. Posted by Picasa

It's the most romantic month of the year--February--the month of St. Valentine's Day!   Click on image to enlarge calendar photo for...