Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Click on image to enlarge calendar photo for September 2008.
Click on image to enlarge calendar dates for September 2008.

Monday, September 29, 2008

It's the Monday before Fiesta, so the wearing of fiesta clothes will be the rule for the next week or so. This dress is an old Ganscraft dress.......
We're off to The Shed where we meet our companions and sit through the obligatory wait....
Here they are up close....
Frannie is serious about her New Mexican food....
And Sisi is delighted with the company...
Louie adds his own tidbits of scintillating conversation....
And Diana is thrilled to see her daughters--and to think they thought she was kidding when she said: "I can't wait to 'squeeze' you!".
Sisi guards a sleeping angel...
And a good time was had by all!!
On the way home, we get waylaid at the Arts and Crafts Market!

Friday, September 26, 2008

The Barteks enjoy their first dance as husband and wife.....
Camille and Brian are ready to rock...
Sisi and Keeks seem to have gotten a head start on celebrating...
"I only have eyes for you....".
La Marcha
Chiara gets some sage advice from her Granny....
And on they dance on the night they were wed....
My beautiful New York daughters...

Somebody could be a fashion model....
Elliott puts his own special moves to the music...
The traditional Father-Daughter dance....
Followed by the Mother-Son dance....
There's some pretty fancy dipping and twirling going on....

Jackie in the left-hand corner muses: "Did I really INVITE this out-of-control granny and her wild brood?".
Bitter, Bitter....
Get down, get funky...
What a joy to have my daughters home!--If only Baby Binks was here, it would be perfect!!

The traditional throwing of the bouquet with the usual frantic response...
The bachelors await the garter throw....
This quaint old tradition --much like the bachelor and bachelorette parties--has evolved into a rowdier occurrence....
With the garter in his teeth, the groom declares success!
Jackie's Aunt Olivia is rocking out...

And the entire crowd is enjoying the dancing....
"I love you, Daddy!"
Keeks snags the coolest dude in the room for a slow dance....
The wildly wacked out granny is quietly escorted to her car....
And a good time is had by all!

A portrait of our lovely first-born.....
"Thank you Dad for a perfect wedding...."
The newlyweds are surrounded by love and good cheer....
And after forty years of marriage, Sisi and Goo show them how.....
Congratulations Jackie and Dennis and may you have a lifetime of love and happiness!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Back home, I reconnect with Dwightie--he could not attend the church services because......
He was picking up the New York girls at the airport! Oh happy day!
Chiara was a vision in a vintage georgette dress.....
And Frannie was a delight to behold as well!
At the reception, cousin Camille was also dressed to perfection....
We get so delighted with her daughters that we sometimes forget what a doll their mother Marissa really is........
Kiki gives her old granny a hug....

As does Frannie.....
A sun-dappled Angie....
It's good to be back home....
The bride's parents are starting to unwind....

The glory that is Francesca.......

The sun really loves Miss Angie....
Watch out!! The cousins unite!
After great anticipation, the mighty Elliott arrives....
As well as his parents. They will be getting married in a few days in White Sands.

Our beautiful Aunt Andie....

And her gorgeous granddaughter, Camille....
The girls flank Jimmy and his girlfriend...
And he gets some good advice from Uncle Paul.....
The food was great!
And the conversation was intense. Here Frannie and Larry discuss Existential Phenomenology.
New York girls meet in New Mexico....
Frannie gets some interesting advice from Della....
The beaming grandfather of the Bride, our Uncle Junior...
And the excitement is building for the dinner and dance to follow.....