Thursday, March 31, 2011

Click on image to enlarge calendar photo for March 2011.
click on image to enlarge calendar dates for March 2011.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Out for my early Sunday morning walk, look who I encountered just steps from home?...........
This little group (four does and two yearlings) apparently was interested in checking out this OPEN HOUSE on the North Side..............
Like all wise perspective home buyers, they know that first, you inspect the property.......
Maybe even EAT some of it...................
They were serenely silent, but they were LISTENING to me. Dwight noticed their backward turning "mule" ears as I advanced on them................
What a precious little guy! When I first encountered them, I only had my cell phone and I spent a long time figuring out how to use it (taking mostly pictures of myself), but once Frannie helps me get those photos on my computer, I hope to have some with as many as five of the deer in one shot............................
Once I ran home and got my regular camera, I mostly got single subject photos--like this little guy who got separated from the group because he was startled by the sound of his hoofs and would not follow them across a wooden deck porch...............
The rest of the group is now ready to head back up the hill to the forest..............
Goodbye little guy! Maybe someday you'll be King of the Forest--like Bambi!

Friday, March 25, 2011

The morn has broken--with Winston guarding Mommie's purse, in case she has to spend some money today....................
But, Mommie is being treated today by her ever lovin' hubby to a downtown lunch date..........

Our plan was to try out a new restaurant with an outdoor patio right off Burro Alley...........

But unfortunately, we chose the one day the new restaurant is closed. So we take a photo of the Lensic roof line against a beautiful New Mexico blue sky........
And take the obligatory donkey picture....................
And instead have a fabulous meal at Tia Sophia's where Dwight delights in the mother of all sopapillas! Ain't life grand in Santa Fe in the summertime?.....................

Thursday, March 24, 2011

We're most excited to be meeting Waymon and Eileen for a special celebration......... Waymon's Birthday!
All celebrated under the Super Moon! Hopefully that will be a great omen that Waymon will have a Super Year!

Monday, March 21, 2011

In those lazy, crazy days of summer 2010, you could enjoy the beauty of your garden........
Where you could sit and contemplate the beauty of nature.................

And if you're Gwen, you could celebrate another birthday!

With a really scrumptious dessert al fresco.............

And enjoy the color of your hometown that you miss so much................
And be amazed by this new form of tourist transport that made it's appearance around the Plaza......................
And enjoy the talents of local artisans--like Annie who spins her own yarn and makes gorgeous wool items.................

And you can flounce about with utter abandon in your flirty summer skirt................

and explore your summer kingdom...................
That can be cool and refreshing....................
and reverberate with the sound of summer fountains....................

And in the evenings be illuminated with romantic lanterns...............
And repose, like the angels, in the beauty of a summer garden....................
Or spend a warm afternoon reading in the Fern Room.........................
Or enjoy some very special visitors...........................
Like a darling grandson who rides a wild stallion.......................

And a precious daughter from far off New York......................
And receive a heartfelt gift that will warm your heart in memory forever......................
If you are a former NM governor, you might finally get your bust installed in the capitol rotunda...................
And if you are the Mighty Winston, you might find a perch worthy of your exalted status high above the house from where you can see at a glance everything happening at Cielo Azul................
Like what transpires on the garden path..................
Or the garden proper where faeries may well live............
Or count the millions of leaves on the summer verdant property.....................
Or just relax in summer repose......................
So now, in the first early days of Spring 2011, this gives us a brief glimpse of the wonders to come in the months to come..........Hail, Hail to Summer!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Happy Birthday to dear Patricia today! Rock on, oh cool one...............
Also, Happy Birthday to the mighty Grandpa "D"! He and Pattie were born on the same day--different decades--but actually, the same century. Hope you both have a wonderful day!

Monday, March 14, 2011

It's the first week in March--time for Bienvenidos' monthly meeting and luncheon.....
But first, there's the Board Meeting..............
Where all the club officers and committee chairs plan the future of the organization.....
Today Blanche is stepping in for the new President who is ill and for the new Vice-President who is still getting her feet wet in Bienvenidos...............
There's lots to discuss................
And the new vice-prez is soaking it all in...................
Some folks make these business meeting lots of fun..................
But Blanche makes sure that we stay on track and on time..............
Because the general membership is arriving for the luncheon--including Miss Alice................
And Donna................
And Angie too...................
The theme this month is st. Patrick's Day and the menu is corned beef and cabbage.......................
Kay opens with some delightful thoughts for the day..................
And Blanche helps out by conducting the General Meeting as well........................
This interesting speaker filled us in on all that is being offered at the Cooking School..........................
And this fabulous speaker gave us lots of background on the Wheelwright Museum............
Hail, hail--the gang's all here...............

And a GRAND time was had by all!!..................

It's the most romantic month of the year--February--the month of St. Valentine's Day!   Click on image to enlarge calendar photo for...