Sunday, September 30, 2012

 Click on image to enlarge calendar photo for September 2012.

Click on image to enlarge calendar dates for September 2012.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

 I'm all costumed up and thrilled to be attending the Fiesta Masquerade with......


 Oh, it's just my Dwightie--all decked out in his Cavalry Scout costume from the Cuatro Centario Grand Ball......

 We are greeted at the ball by some finely costumed folks.....

 And some gigantic puppets--also , folks on stilts.........

 And some wild women in feathers!  This was Dwight's favorite part......(Actually, it was our friend, Bobbie--a former Fiesta Queen herself.)

 Another finely attired couple--he a dashing Vaquero and she sporting a dress as big as all of Andalusia..........

 What do you know?--once unmasked, it turns out that it's Sisi and Lou.........

 There was a wide array of beautiful masks--I wish I had photographed a couple wearing masks from Peru.  The masks were painted on wire mesh and were both interesting and comfortable as the mesh allowed more air flow than most masks.......

 There were also masks on the tables for those unprepared.........

 A variety of visions pack the dance floor.  That's Don Diego DeVargas himself in the cool pirate costume.........

He's an old cowhand from the Rio Grande.........

 A rousing rendition of "La Marcha".........

 "Yoo-Hoo fellas............"

 Los Novios--newly engaged Danielle (also a former Fiesta Queen) and her young man.......

 The Grinny Sisters..........

 Mi Lady adjusts her dress so that the top doesn't fall down while her Sun-god boyfriend rocks on...........

 All smiles from these masked folks............

 Enough said..........

 Oh yeah, he drinks it too..........

 The younger set is represented..........

 A rollicking band of phantasms...........and you thought Michael Jackson's group was scary in "Thriller"...........

 So from the Chavezes..........

And the Capshaws, just let us say:  A GRAND TIME WAS HAD BY ALL!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

 It's early September and time for our Bienvenidos' Fiesta Luncheon.......

 First is the club business--the Board Meeting....

 Overseen by President Pat..........

 And soon the general membership comes sashaying in--like Alice in her Bob Mackey top--because this month.....

 We are graced by a visit from the 2012 Fiesta Royalty......

 At a festive Fiesta themed feast.......

 Ladies and gents who lunch.........




 A very interesting presentation from the President of the Fiesta Council.......

 Followed by an emotional speech from La Reina on what Fiesta means to her......

 And some historical perspective by this year's Don Diego DeVargas.....

 More ladies and gents who lunch......

And a fabulous time was had by all!!!

It's the most romantic month of the year--February--the month of St. Valentine's Day!   Click on image to enlarge calendar photo for...