Snow!!--our first real dusting of the season....
It's not a lot, but it does set the mood of the season...
One of my favorites--blue skies and fresh snow...
And of course, it also gets folks to thinking about.....CHRISTMAS!!
This a nostalgic look back to last year and our typical "loaded" Christmas Tree, but this year......
Because our house is crowded with plants and boxes, we had to settle for a very skinny tree in a very skinny space, decorated with.....
The romalettes (sp?) made with paper and ribbon that I am making for the upcoming nuptials......
This is a folk art Mexican Nativity to celebrate the season....
A photo enroute to a Holiday Party before the tree....
And if the tree is to be seen at all, we need a space between us in the photo.....
The 'Hosts with the Most"--our dear friends....
Needless to say, Dwight had a good time.....
Next day, our beloved pets are seemingly bored and ready for some excitement....
DiCaprio is hopeful that Frannie will be coming soon so that we may all go on a walk....
And soon, he's all decked out in his "walking sweater"...
And soon we are off....
Although Solange's idea of fun is more about rolling on the grass (or snow if there is any).....
The other dogs do occassionaly get a bit embarrassed by this wanton display.....
And Frannie must offer the verbal reminder: "It is called a walk.".......
Back home again for a nap in the sunlight.....
And visions of a possible trip to the dog park dancing in their heads......
The Cross of the Martyrs in winter....
And a totally un-enhanced or manipulated gorgeous December sunrise.....
The farolitos are up on the roundhouse.....
And La Conquistadora is attired in her purple for Advent....
The daylight hours are full of the sights of early winter.....
And the hours before dawn are magical down on the Plaza ......
And warm the heart with all those old nostalgic feelings because.....
Yes, it IS beginning to look a lot like Christmas!....
So, enjoy all the joys of this season--it is a time of fun anf frolic! HOLIDAY GREETINGS TO ALL!!