We have had a lovely winter in Santa Fe....

With plenty of snow....
And my pre-dawn walks above the city...
With views of gorgeous sunrises....
And far off mountain ranges....
And everyday sights turned to exotic vistas by the golden glimmer of the morning....
When Santa fe becomes one Sleepy Time Gal....
All of which makes the winter such an interesting companion....
But not one that is a welcome visitor for too long. And soon there are signs that the season may be changing soon....
Mardi Gras comes once more....
And so does Lent....
Reminding us that Easter is just 40 days away.....
So while Persephone,herself, waits for spring...
And the dark and cloudy dawn alerts the town....
That this winter will not last forever...
Although it lasted long enough to interfere with out Golondrinas Awards Luncheon....
Which only the hardiest volunteers attended....
But soon, the painterly morning sky whispers a message....

That the crows trumpet to the moon......
That one fine morning......
All those little bulbs will peek through....
And it will be SPRING again in Santa Fe!................