Time once more for a handsome king and a Merchant's wife to enjoy a day of medieval mischief at El Rancho de las Golondrinas....
even though the royal hound must be left at home....
Visiting royalty--King Ferdinand of Aragon and Queen Isabella of Castile greet the revelers.....
Enterprising wenches peddle their wares....
A pirate family (with their own full-size Tinkerbelle) are ready for fun.....
The streets of the village are full or visitors of all sorts....

Mythical beasts are in attendance, like this beautiful unicorn. (Photo courtesy of Sisi)
And a very cheerful dragon....
And some not so cheerful apparitions....
An audience with the king....
Lovely, exotic belly dancers are ready to entertain....
Along with traveling jesters....
And jugglers who juggle fire!
Lord Waymundo enjoys some delightful ale....
And YES, it IS good to be king....

And he thoroughly enjoys this troupe of belly dancers....
With a most elaborate program....
The lovely kitchen wench, Sisi
A lovely red-eyed Druid peddles her jewelry....
And the king and merchant's wife are off to the jousting and personal combat tournaments.....
The battles are intense and blood curdling....
A maid of the court frets over a warrior wearing her colors....
The agony of defeat....
The mystery of the east....
As the lovely ladies continue to entertain...
With a varied and exciting variety of dances....
Meanwhile, Christopher Columbus has a nifty idea he's floating before Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand...
As King Dwight looks back to check on the deportment of one of his knights....

the Spanish royal court is entertained with an exciting royal play....
Featuring action, excitement and treachery..
..In which one of the pirate actors sacrificed several years growth of his white chongo (ponytail) so that "the show could go on".....
And the King and Queen ARE amused....
While King Dwight amuses himself with a woodland nymph....
Da girls are off to "do" the fair....
Where battles yet rage....
and blacksmiths yet labor....
And food, and libations, and fun abound...
and what could be more fun than rat tossing...
And rubbing elbows with the royals...
And watching fetching lady pirates....
Training the younger generation in how to hide the booty...
Aye, but she IS a bonnie lass....
No one has more enthusiasm than the exotic belly dancers....
with their charm and balance....
"How about a luscious turkey leg, sweet maid?"
"And perhaps some ale from the barrel master's to boot...."
"Oh no, have we stayed too long at the fair?'
Not at all! there are still fortune tellers to meet....
And Scottish falconers to hear....
And tarot card readers to give fortunes...
And dancers and music to enjoy....
And exotic sights to see...
And at Renaissance Fair, we are still lords of all we can see...
All on the premises of historic Rancho de las Golondrinas....
So, come next September--IF YOU'RE FEELING MAGICAL......
And a good time will be had by all.....