When the Queen of the Nile and King Tut want to party on the scariest night of the year, they head for...
The haunted house of Casa Montoya...
Where spooky goblins greet them....
As does our charming hostess--that cool cool kitty, Miss Annabelle...
And our host most extraordinaire, that impish devil Adolfo.....
Every corner of the house is decorated with ghosts and goblins that amuse our CAST OF CHARACTERS:
There is the good-witch Louise who promises only the nicest of spells....
Lumber Jack Theresa and Batgirl Terrie who brave the flames...
Edgar Allen Poe/Whittemore and his muse the Raven girl Eileen...
And those geriatric Egyptians who moseyed on over (like Egyptians)....
Also, Miss Frieda Kahlo who has a skull watching over her libations....
In fact, the whole gang of Core Kids are on hand for the party of the season....
Even the food was decorated!
Our hostess stands before her fantastic culinary creation: The Alien Autopsy
Particulars of the autopsy: the head is a delicious cheese dip; the ears are a mustard dip; the heart is fresh shrimp with cocktail sauce; the arms are snack crackers; the intestines are the cocktail weenies; and the nether-regions are stuffed mushrooms.
As you can see, Frieda and Bugman are loving them....
The conversations become secretive behind flickering candelabra...
Although it can still get explosive when certain topics are brought up--especially if Brody has anything to do with it.

This Helter Skelter cake is the most delicious thing EVER!
And our panel of judges agrees.....
Mr. Poe gets some good advice from old man Tut:
"When going to a party, it is always best to stick with the gal who brung you--especially if the new gal is a WITCH!".
The devil, himself. seems to agree with that advice!
And what else would this royal Egyptian couple bring to snack on?
But a plateful of little mummies....
The comings and goings of so many apparitions....
King Tut shares his greatest hits:
And the crowd goes wild!....
Halloween groupies....
When you have a cute little tail, you sometimes have to be prepared for over-ardent admirers....
Mr. Poe gets a serenading from a ghostly banjo player, a sniffing from Brody, and a reaming from Batgirl....
So as we pass the electrifying midnight hour....
It is sadly, time to say "Goodbye"..............
But we'll look forward to seeing all you dreadful ghouls and ghosts again next year: AND A FANTASTIC TIME WAS HAD BY ALL!