Friday, March 28, 2008

Introducing Elijah Maximus Jones!--son of Laura Jones.......
Elijah came into this world at 5lbs. 15 oz and is already opening a skeptical baby blue eye to see who this stranger is in his nursery......
With proud mama, Laura, who is relishing her new role of motherhood............
Elijah has his little mittens on so that he won't scratch himself. He looks like a little prize fighter!
Because his coloring is so much like my little Francesca's was at birth--golden brown hair, fair complexion and blue eyes--I combed his hair like I used to comb the little Poopette. Laura called it a Mohawk!
A proud Grandma, Hyda.........
Sleep well sweet prince, you have a wonderful life ahead...................

1 comment:

Kirsten said...

Wow! I was just getting ready to log off tonight and, just for giggles, I typed in "Elijah Maximus" on Google and came to this page. We named our son Elijah Maximus Moody. Isn't it the most fabulous combination of names? We both loved the name Elijah, and I've always liked the name Max, but I wasn't convinced "Max Moody" was his name. So we kinda tuned in that Maximus was a powerful, handsome name.

Congratulaions on your beautiful son with the, I must say, beautiful name.


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