Thursday, February 26, 2009

It's January 20, 2009--Inauguration Day for Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States.......
We are thrilled to witness this historic occasion that we have worked for and hoped for for so long.....

Giano arrives to witness history alongside his family.....

We hold hands in anticipation of the Presidential Oath......

Meanwhile in Washington, a record crowd of over 3 million gathers on the National Mall.....(Photos courtesy of Frannie)
Among the millions are our own three beautiful daughters....

Baby Binks is braced against the cold.............

From their spot just behind the Washington Monument, they cannot see the Capitol, but they can see everything quite well on giant screen monitors....

Celebration in Santa Fe as the oath is taken!.....................................

The crowd hears a memorable Inauguration Speech..............

We watch the continuing Inauguration Day Activities in the comfort of our living room...........

The girls celebrate in Washington as the crowd disperses and they start the arduous trek back to New York via a states-long traffic jam.............

But for this shinning moment, they have partied like Barack stars!..............
A parting shot of the White House on this historic day................
While back home in Santa Fe we continue a day-long viewing of history.........

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