Monday, November 02, 2009

We've stopped off at Madison Square en route to Coney Island, Brooklyn.......
The Flatiron Building--can you believe that it was at one time the tallest building in the world?......
The unmistakable skyline of the Madison Square district.......

This is a very refined and enjoyable park..............
We've arrived in Coney Island and are experiencing two traditions of the area--hot dogs from Nathan's and horrendous weather for the Mermaid Parade!.............
The boardwalk is quite wet and bitterly cold..........
Dwight doesn't even feel like riding The Cyclone..........
But this is our usual experience here--Once we decide to go to Coney Island, it gets miserable......
The struggling midway is primed for what should be a stellar day of sales, but the cold weather is ruining the turn-out...........
Even the carousel is silent..........
But some stoic mermaids have braved the weather...................

Some good fruit on the beach.........................

Da girls.........Binky's striped pants caused quite a stir--one of the carnies on the midway yelled to her: "Hey Fancy Pants! I'll give YOU a teddy bear for free!". Bianca was unimpressed..................
We're all set up near the judging stand and ready for the parade-----Right, Fancy Pants?........
Frannie leaves the midway very disappointed that she did not win SHOOT THE FREAK...........
Proper attire for a Coney Island Daddy--a cute stroller and an even cuter sequin dress.......
Here comes the parade.............

Some of the mermaids are very fresh and wholesome..................
Some are not.....................
Remember: "I'm O.K., You're O.K."..........................
A real siren.................
Not all the divas are female....................
This was a great entry, it was a group of about ten all fitted with Roller Coaster cars that careened down the street screaming like they were on the ride--you just had to be there...................
Despite the weather, the girls are enjoying the parade............
I'm speechless--perhaps I should have saved this photo for the caption contest. (Remember that you have until 12:00 MIDNIGHT on Friday, November 6, 2009 to enter the contest. Just scroll down to the GUESS WHO'S COMING TO DINNER entry and follow the directions.)
A bevy of bathing beauties.............
They are gorgeous!! Why that long legged red-head could be a showgirl! Perhaps she could be one of the Floradora Sextet!.........................
Oh my goodness! It's our old friend Shiban! Great to see you!...............
This mermaid obviously did not learn the moral lesson of GOLDFINGER: Grease paint GOOD, Gold Paint BAD!.....................................................
An excellent jitterbug group...............
Had to add another picture cause there's nothing cuter than a jitterbugging sailor..........
The girls are holding up. New York parades do not last minutes or even an hour, they last for HOURS..................
The goldfish cavort!.........

Bodacious Nun Fish! Judging from the expression on the little girl's face, I think the Mermaid Parade may be a lot more suited to adult tastes and may be a little inappropriate for children..........
A purple octopus..............
Bet they'd love to post this photo in his office!.............
A bright smile from one of New York's Finest...............

Another bright smile from another of New York's finest..............
One of the stilt people....................
Moby Dick does Broadway....................
It must have taken hours to do all this body painting.....................
They're making their appeal to the judges..................
A few butt smudges--ocupational hazard I guess................
Farewell brave body art ladies......................
Lots of Cops--I wonder if they get "hazard pay"?....................
Perhaps they should.....................

The Blue Man Group..................
An excellent pirate!.............
Can you say "hippie bus"?...................
Part mermaid, part showgirl.....................

All showgirl!............................
Another questioanble Mommie moment.................
Some underwater fantasy........................
A cheerful Drum Major leads the Mummers Band from Philadelphia.......................
The rest of the very exceptional band. I would personally like to take this opportunity to thank the fine people of Philadelphia for their gracious hospitality to the visiting New York Yankees in the current World Series. Thanks for the "Home Games" guys!!!.................
There's even a Mets mermaid.................
Frannie finally has something to cheer for.....................

Bet you didn't know that Jim Dovi was in New York!.............................

This is the tentacle of a giant sea monster, I thought that the depiction of the waves beneath him was particularly effective..........................
Don't know what it is, but it took a lot of work................
This guy is a local character--Frannie has sent photos of him in similar garb for the Easter Parade down Broadway from St. Patrick's...................
Dueling divas..............................
A goth mermaid...................
Ariel and Prince Eric from the Broadway musical UNDER THE SEA....................
A hunka, hunka burning love.................................

Great costume--the entire booth walks down the street with him!......................
Some mermaids are just plain pretty............................
And some KNOW it!..................................
And a good time was had by all!!!.....................................
We warm up back in the girls' neighborhood with a wonderful dinner to cap a lovely day.

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