Monday, January 04, 2010

King Neptune's fountain at the Snug Harbor complex that was originally built in the 19th century as a final home for retired sailors.
It consists of lovely landscaped grounds where the old saltys could walk and reflect..........

Part of that area is now home to the Staten Island Children's Museum.

Unfortunately, the museum was not open today, but doesn't this outside play area just say "Elliot"?
An ominous sky overhead of one of the old chapels in the complex...........
Some formal plantings in the main building's area.........
More formal plantings. Marine symbols are used quite frequently in the decoration........
One of a whole row of massive neo-classical buildings that housed the public areas of the old Sailor's Retreat...........
This one houses...................
One of the oldest theatres in New York!! Here the old saltys would enjoy the entertainments of their era--nowadays, community light theatre and other groups rent this beautiful space for performances..................
Little woman, big porch..................
The huge Neptune fountain--surely another favorite place for afternoon respites for the old seamen.............

The girls are resting on some of the benches surrounding the fountain, but before the trees up front got so huge, the sailors could have a view here of the mighty ocean they loved so much.............
Hail to thee, Mighty Neptune!
A huge ship's bell............

How you use an astrolabe..............
This long hall has benches on both sides. We figure it led to an area where there were long waits for the sailors--maybe the mess hall or the infirmary...........

Most of the large open rooms in these massive buildings have been turned into art galleries.......
A sampling of some of the art on display today...............

Most of which I really like..................

Some marine detailing in Neptune Hall....................................
Which is now a museum of the old Snug Harbor Retreat as well as a general marine museum.........
The railings on the mezzanine on the second floor and the designs leading up to the open dome all repeat this marine theme..................
One of the galleries in Neptune Hall....................
This is how it looked in previous centuries when the old saltys used the same space as a library and smoking room...........................

This section of the museum is furnished with artifacts from the heyday of this retreat..............

The decor was both elegant and homey as this was probably the only home these men ever had besides the sea.....................

More marine accents from the smoking room.....................
More second-story trim....................
Some appropriate artwork.................
More period art......................
The trim on Neptune's dome mimics the massive wrought iron fence that surrounds these large grounds.....................

If you spent your life on the ocean, I guess you would miss it...................
One of the many stained glass windows....................
Outside, Frannie approaches a memorial to the patron who left the endowment to build and sustain the Old Sailor's Home..................
A closer view of this great humanitarian--Robert Richard Randall. I don't know what ran out first--the money or a supply of old whalers etc. But his generousity did provide a home for some pretty desperate folks for over a century......................
You get to see a lot of memorials for people who are a lot more famous, but this one is very special to me because it honors someone who was truly KIND. In my mind, a true hero...............
More nautical trim from his memorial...............................
I believe this is his actual grave--also on the grounds.................
Through the years some modern art pieces have been added...............
Ominous sky over the old domintories. It is perhaps quite fitting, because the lovely buildings and grounds are somewhat influx--in search of funding and a new purpose that could best utilize the complex............................
Goodbye from one of our favorite stops in New York, Snug Harbor, Staten Island!

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