It's time for Day 2 of the 400
th Santa Fe Anniversary opening celebration event at
Magers Field Park.........

Honestly, nobody can top these two for skirt posing.................

And now we're off to enjoy the day........................

And we meet below the Monumental Arch............

We give our
congratulations to the event's mastermind--Maurice..........

Dwight is thrilled that
Keekers can be home for this event..................

This cowboy "cookie" has rustled up some grub...............

And is serving it up! This old west cuisine was available along with booths selling our other traditional Northern New Mexico favorites..............

The cowboys keep their food warm on hot coals so it will be just perfect for this hungry tenderfoot............

I guess Billy the Kid is just NOT a kid anymore...............

And this flamenco dancer seems ready for the nursing home also...........
Keeks is loving the corn, and I'm amazed at the
tatts on the young lady behind her............

Among the freebies at the opening, Old West photographers gave away period looking old
timey photographs...................
Hyda's was so nice that they had it on display...................

Kiki and I enjoyed playing with the pistols...............

She consoles her art mentor, Mr. Meyers......................

For what became of his lovely mural......................

Gary was upset that they didn't think of using a
plexiglass screen................

Hi ya, Hank..............

Dwight points out his most beloved spot on the mural..................

And his
wifey does the same................

There was a huge artisan's tent--a mini Spanish/Arts Market--and many artists gave demonstrations like this

There was also continuous entertainment--like this all-girl Mariachi band............

With some spirited members.............

ol' Gabby Hayes has
reved up his old pick-up and off to pick up women...............

With the crusty Mrs. Hayes in..........................HOT PURSUIT!................
Thes kids are building their own adobe

Among the mini adobe makers, we recognized this young man who had distinguished himself in the heavy-water-carrying-competition--just another "game" from the old days that seemed a lot like WORK. The lady who ran the competition said that this boy smashed all previous records and and continued carrying the water until they made him stop. Look well upon his earnest face. If he keeps that dogged determination, he may very well someday be a famous person around Santa Fe................

It's a joy to have our beautiful Francesca home........................

Chiara too--for a few days before she's off to Scotland for a year......................

This is what makes the "Opening" Grand!.................

In honor of the themes of the day, I decided to color up a few other family photos from the "old West". This one is for real--taken about the time of the 300
th Anniversary of Santa Fe--The Chavez Family..............................

DiPalma Family! (Taken about 20 years ago) I would give just about anything to have them all this age again...............

Capshaw Family--taken about fifteen years ago....................

The Golden Child..............................

And the Newlyweds....................

Having the event at a park made it possible for the kids to get some free entertainment and some exercise too...................

In one of the tents featuring multi-cultural
exhibits, I am learning some Jewish dancing. This dance looks very suspiciously like a Spanish

But the music was by a Jewish band and it really was different. That's Karen coming through...............

And included several line and circle dances....................

And multiplication dances......................

Meanwhile Dwight enjoyS resting on the soft grass...............

And watching the Indian dancers.............................

These guys are much bigger than the tiny dancers we saw yesterday....................

The crowds are gathering for the Closing Ceremony.........................

Among the dignitaries is the lovely Miss Santa Fe.........................

But when the politicians start talking, we decide it's time to head for home. I turned back to take this shot to show the size of the crowd. Over the past two days, a good amount of the population of our city has been here to enjoy the celebration....................

Tallulah is tired of all the commotion and she greets us on our return.................

The final event of the weekend is another concert in Fort March Park, and again we enjoy a tailgaiting supper....................

Alice is prepared as the skies open up and a deluge begins..............

The classical music continues and it is accompanied by co-ordinating fireworks....................

And so we stay dry, enjoy our meal..................................

And enjoy the concert that is a fitting conclusion for a fabulous celebration of 400 years for our beautiful city!!.................................................

Of course, not EVERYONE got into the celebratory mood. Mr. Winston appears to be a little frustrated because we were a bit distracted and didn't give him his usual attention. HIM NOT SPOILED!..The end.