Well, the day has finally come for the Grand 400
th Anniversary Ball sponsored by the Cathedral Parish..............

The invitations recommended historical costumes, so I am going as La Dona
Tules and Dwight is going as one of her patrons, a Cavalry Scout from Fort Marcy..........

The Cathedral Parish is celebrating its 400
th anniversary along with the City of Santa Fe...........

I have had my costume ready for weeks...............................

Boy!, that is one bodacious,
hellacious hat!..............

Dwightie is good natured about the craziness and is happy to attend...

So, let's get
jiggy about it--CINDERELLA'S GOING TO THE BALL!.............

We are greeted outside the huge tent erected for the
pre-dinner concert by the lovely
seniorita who organized this whole affair. This photo doesn't show her enormous false eye lashes that set the whole costume off........................

To show what does happen at such balls, this photo depicts Diana confessing her sins to Father Jerome while Bobby tickles him from behind. Meanwhile, behind his back, the lovely
senorita is batting those two inch eyelashes at Zorro.....................

The OTHER Dona
Tules. Amalia depicts her "working girl" side with cards in her hair and a homemade cigar. It is true that Dona
Tules was the proprietor of a gambling salon, but she must have had a "good girl" side too--after all she is buried in the Cathedral. So, I represent the good girl vibe, but Amalia will probably have more fun...........

A colonial dame...............

Zorro gets his booze.................

The lovely Bobbie and her hubby Hank...................

A lady from the Civil War Era......................

Dwight and Diana pose while behind them a young brave in a velvet Navajo shirt (we'll call him, say--Running Bear) breeches the great divide between him and the lovely Indian Maid (we'll call her, say--Little White Dove.) waiting on the other side.................

A stately Senora...............

This fellow is dressed as a Grandee--or whatever Puss-'N-Boots was..................

Senor Puss-'N-Boots congratulates Dwight on having such a groovy wife..............

El Club Real--two former Fiesta Queens confer........(Angie and Bobbie)

Robin is radiant as the wife of the Viceroy..............................

And Joey is the Viceroy himself! Although an
irreverent Master-of-Ceremonies announced over the microphone that: "Mr. Chavez should be informed that Sponge Bob Square Pants is not an historical figure.".....................................

Over 300 revelers enjoyed hot
hors 'd oeuvres as well as a cold appetiser table while awaiting the Flamenco Guitar Concert...............

Martinezes made the scene.....................

The 18
th century and the 19
th century meet....................

Noel and Jeanne do the Jazz Age up right--they look like characters right out of THE GREAT GATSBY!.........................

The folks behind Dwight are dressed like a good portion of the crowd--tuxedos and formal gowns......................

But the rest of the crowd is much more exotic.....................

Dwight poses with the beautiful

And Diana is still praying for absolution--and Bobbie is still tickling...............

Dwight was darn delighted to find out that the beer was all free.....................

This gentleman looks so sharp in his Marine Dress Uniform from fifty years ago...................

Bobbie and I are up to no good--and having a lot of fun.........................

This young lady is dressed in modern attire, but the guy behind her is dressed as a Franciscan. Although there were many priests, Christian brothers and nuns in attendance, this fellow has his belt tied up under his arm pits--no self-respecting Franciscan would do that, he is an imposter...............

What a lovely couple!--a gunslinger and a dance hall girl....................

Visions in

This vaquero had a real sword and a
pistola too...........................

While she does the
minuet, he can recite a seven decade Franciscan rosary....................

Little White Dove is really the Blessed
Kateri Takawetha...................

Where but in Venice could a classy cleric hobnob with this mysterious masked beauty. Shortly after this, we had a "
promenade" from the tent to the ballroom that turned more into a race because of a sudden downpour of rain...................

Once we found a table, we enjoyed a splendid feast and shared a toast with our commerative glasses..............................

Then it was dancing to a marvelous and versatile band who preformed before a backdrop of the Cathedral................

The dance floor was crowded with visions enjoying many types of music..........................

At this time, you could also pose for commemorative photos. Unfortunately, ours was out of focus, but I do like the background...................

Not only are they a gorgeous couple, but these two really know how to have fun!......................

When "the most interesting man in the world" attends a Grand Ball, it Must be a 400TH ANNIVERSARY Grand Ball.........................

Hank is another guy who knows how to have fun..........by the way, he is growing a beard in honor of the 400th...............

Bernabe is a dashing counterpart to Amalia's Dona Tules...................

The Gatsbys rock out! Okay, okay, so there were no "Gatsbys"--let's just say Jay and Daisy........................

Married over fifty years and these two are still in love.........................

It's hard to look dignified when rocking out......................

Mary and Joe--looking Grand......................

As previously stated, it's hard to look dignified............Take note of the lovely flowers that decorated every table..............................................

What a wonderful story of Pictures, a great time had by all. Thanks for sharing, Debbie
Wonderful post, great photos and very funny captions. Thank you!
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