Wednesday, April 27, 2011

APRIL HAS COME AND on image to enlarge calendar photo for April 1022.

Click on image to enlarge clendar dates for April 2011.

THE LORD IS RISEN! And it's Easter once again..................

I'm up early and in my Easter best for mass at the Cathedral.........

Where the Easter banners are hung..........................

And La Conquistadora is in her holiday white finery.......................

Although she was also lovely in this beautiful red outfit apropos for the Passion of Holy Week a few days earlier...................

This Easter Sunday, the church is bursting with fresh flowers.....................

After Mass, Grandpa D and Sisi pose in their Easter best..........................

As do Grandma & Frannie..................................

While Diana poses in front of the church--hoping to join the Easter Parade.........................

A quartet of cute little Easter peeps........................................

Wishing you many Easter blessings.................................

And all the joys of the joyous spring season!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

It's time for the April meeting and luncheon for Bienvenidos..........

First there is the important Board meeting................

President Pat is back and "cracking the whip"...................

Not really, she is just conducting the meeting....................

All the duly elected officers are busy with their duties..........................

The theme for the luncheon is Spring!..................

Alice is in attendance..................

As is Angie..................

And Miss Donna...........................

The words of wisdom to open the regular meeting are a prayer for rain...............

Pat keeps the business meeting lively.......................

And announces that lunch is now served..................

Ladies and gents who lunch..............................

One of our two very interesting speakers...............

Our other very captivating speaker............................

And a most "springish" and wonderful time was had by all!

It's the most romantic month of the year--February--the month of St. Valentine's Day!   Click on image to enlarge calendar photo for...