Thursday, June 30, 2011

We bid a fond farewell to June--the month of Roses...........
Click on image to enlarge calendar photo for June 2011.

Click on image to enlarge calendar dates for June 2011.

Happy Birthday Michael! Today is his Golden Birthday--he's 30 on the 30th!


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Mommie came back from the Garage Sales with this super nifty bi-level cat scratching post and tower.............

Mr. Winston immediately tried out the scratcher and is inspecting the new digs.............

All the way to the top.....................

We are anxious to see how this all turns out, but we have a graduation party for two former students......................

So, we are hopping (Yuk, yuk) to it........................

Well, as it turned out, it was not Winston who laid claim to the new high-rise--it was Topaz!............

Well, at least of the "world" of Cielo Azul................

"It's great to be Top Cat!"...................

"Enjoy it while you can Topaz, because there is another little cat that thinks HE'S Top Cat!"

(Hint, hint: It's not Tallulah.)

Friday, June 24, 2011

JUNE 18, 2011
(Some photos courtesy of Rebecca's Facebook page)
We're up early for the trip down to Las Cruces for Rebecca's wedding...........

Of course, any wedding trip has to include lots of luggage and at least one enormous hat...........

At lunchtime, we stop to eat at the legendary Owl Cafe............

In San Antonio, New Mexico............

Dwight looks like Joe Cool entering this legendary cafe......................

And eating a legendary green chile cheese burger................

"The Ledgend" in oils......................

Of course, we know this is a legendary cafe because there are millions of news clippings on the wall attesting to it. We also have heard "the legend"....................

After a delicious lunch, it's onward to the Ramada Palms in Las Cruces................

And look who greeted us at the front door...........................

This little roadrunner even has his own little nest on one of the balconies...............

The New Mexico State Bird gets lots of respect and TLC from the Palms' Management.............

While Dwight finishes getting ready for the wedding, I investigate the tremendous lobby and reminisce about family visits to this very hotel when the kids were little. I remember that on one occasion there was a Little Girls' Beauty Pageant in the ballroom and Kiki, Binky and I attended it--boy, did THAT freak all of us out!.............................

The Capshaws are all ready for the Las Cruces' Wedding of the year...........................

In the beautiful setting of a shady and grassy pecan orchard. It was close to 100 degrees in Cruces, but in all this shade, it was most comfortable.................

All it takes for a successful wedding is a beautiful bride................................

Did I mention "Movie Star" BEAUTIFUL?.........................

And a handsome groom............................

And lots of folks who care about both of you.....................

And crazy friends who treated you to what must have been the most glamorous Bachelorette Party New Mexico has ever seen................................

And an adorable brother--who by the way is the REAL Movie Star in the family. Jack will soon be visible in a protest scene in an upcoming Leonardo DiCaprio film........................

A trio of his mother Connie's old friends are thrilled to be able to share this day with Connie's family...................

Especially her "soul son", Jack....................................

The menfolk are ready for the festivities to begin........................

The Mother-of-the-groom who helped arrange this venue and the gorgeous garden venue for the reception--that was lent to them by good friends--checks with the Judge (another close family friend) to be sure that everything is set....................

There is even a ceremonial candle that the couple will light to remember Connie during the ceremony. She would have delighted in seeing her only daughter wed.......................

Lets get the show on the road--I believe that is the groom's twin brother escorting his mother down the aisle................................

The first hitch, the junior attendants are frozen in place and won't move..........................

Of course, when you just happen to be just about the very cutest thing in the whole world, folks don't mind just sitting there and watching you...................

But eventually the walking and the petal throwing got started and they made it down the aisle...............

Three pretty maids, all in a row...................

Maid #1...................................

Maid #2...............................

And the Maid of Honor! Unfortunately, by the time my camera recharged, she was almost out of my frame....................................

Here comes the bride.............................

On the arm of her cowpoke (?) papa...................................

And she is warmly met at the Bridal Arbor by her happy groom.........................

A gorgeous setting for a gorgeous couple..........................................

"I do!", "I do!"..............................

Rebecca is feeling every word........................

"You may now kiss your Bride!"................................

The newlyweds!.....................

Now, man and wife........................................

After the recessional, the wedding party gets to take a breather........................

Before being inundated by all the well wishers...........................

The father of the Bride is relieved. Why Mark Murphy is wearing a cowboy hat is a complete mystery to me.............................

But Jimmy doesn't mind..............................

And neither does Bob...................................................

Rebecca will never forget this wonderful day..................................

And her wedding in a magical setting..............................

Surrounded by the friends she loves........................

And the man of her dreams.....................

So, onward to a life of love and happiness! Congratulations Rebecca and David!!

Photos of the reception to follow later...........................