Friday, February 17, 2012


 There is an activity scheduled in Santa Fe this winter called SANTA FE WINTER FIESTA,  I have been so schizophrenic in my postings (waiting for large blocks of time for bigger posts) that I am finally working up to the pictures of REGULAR Fiesta in the dead of winter.  So here we go with Fiesta Thursday that is all about..........

 OLD MAN GLOOM!  So as they erect Zozobra out on the field behind our house, we are in the thick of preparations for our annual Zozobra Party.........

 Frannie is here to help......

 As is Kelly........

 And Pattie--up from Albuquerque........

 All of the outdoor areas surrounding the house are ready with tables and umbrellas..........

 Loretta is also up from Albuquerque with the girls--bearing fantastic eats too........

 Frannie loves Grandma...............

 Pattie and Kelly always seem to delight us with a wonderful homemade gift--I can hardly wait to see what it is.............

 The most beautiful quilt ever!  Kelly calls it "My Sister's Garden" and it is inspired by the colors of Sisi's summertime garden display..........

 The San Francisco crew also arrive early to help.......

 As does Joaquinn--but definitely not to help...........

 Pattie is ready to party, so she puts on her imaginary party hat.........

 Until she finds her real one!.........

 When Frannie started nursery school, we could hardly wait for her first "school pictures", when they came we were a little disappointed to see that she had a look on her face that looked like she had been caught by the camera mid B.M.--this is that look............

 Yup, somebody has the "good stuff".........

 Now the Fiesta Party Finery is coming out--I chose purple this year.....

 And Binks is resplendent is shades of gold and brown......

 A pretty girl is like a melody--all in green.................

 As the Beatles would say:  "Get Back, Loretta!"--she's ready to PARTY!.......

 Flouncing on the lawn.......

 Of course, If you have the most ric-rac and the most petticoats, you might feel some resentment from the other girls.......

Maybe even a LOT OF RESENTMENT..........

 And so the party commences.......

 With Dwight and Diana playing Host and Hostess....

 The cutest couple in New York..........

 Sisters keep the spread filled and guests dine at the Fiesta Cafe set out through the double french doors.......

 Miss Johanna.........

 Internet friends...............

 When I look at this photo of Jennie, I am reminded of a caption on a photo of Natalie Wood in the early days of her "grown-up" career after being a child star.  She was posing in a bikini and the photographer told her to "try and look a little sexy".  The caption on the photo said:  WELL, SHE SUCCEEDED IN THE "SEXY" PART, BUT NOT THE "LITTLE" PART.  Enough said........

 San Francisco Flouncers..........
 Isa and Maclovio........

 Maclovio really gets around..........

 More family and friends................

 Santa Fe's cutest couple..........

 Those New York girls...........
 This accomplished young man, Tyler Roller of Santa Clara Pueblo, has been a guest at our house for Zozobra for several years and he made this elegant little pot for us as a gift.  We of course, were honored and thrilled.
 Those San Franciscans clean up quite nicely...............

 Los Novios--these two are getting married in two days.............

 "There's not enough onion in the enchiladas"...............

 checking their cameras before heading out to the field..........


 Double ooooops................

 But these guys are still on the "not naughty" list............

 The Back Deck Plebe............
 Something seems to have gone awry on the Familia Portal............

 Flouncing into the night..........
 Always nice to see cousins that you really would like to see more often............

 Cynthia MUST be drinking--she seems to think her cousin Jimmy is witty............

AFTERMATH:  when the party was over, we found that our Solange, who had been put in the back bedroom for safe keeping, had chewed her way halfway through the bedroom door........

But all in all, it was a great party........It is said that an opera can't end "until the fat lady sings", well, Fiesta can't start until Old Man Gloom burns............(Photo courtesy of Danny from a few years back)  VIVA LA FIESTA 2011!!!!!

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