Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Fiesta Pet Parade--2011

 Despite dark skies and cold weather, the children and the adults as well, made it up for the rather early morning Desfile de los Ninos............

 The pets are heavy on the dogs and cats, but there are lots of exotic entries too--like these geese....

 Don't quite know what the "budding scientists" are growing....

 A patriotic Miss Liberty...........

 A Mei Toy look-alike struts her stuff......


This Pied Piper seems to have attracted an adorable Elliott type........

 If you've got a hot 50s car, you have to speed.....

Especially if the Coppers are in hot pursuit......

 I was hoping to get a better picture of this little showman who had his top hat, tap shoes and cane and quite a bit of talent............

 "I beg your pardon, do you have any Grey Poupon?"...........

 Some of the folks having the most fun were the adults........

Because we were up too late to get our usual spot near Sena Plaza, we watched from Marcy and Washington--Smurf City..............

 Finally, some new Franciscans for the Cathedral........

"Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your long hair--or whatever...."

 Too Cute Little Red Riding Hood.........

 This young lady will probably be fresh as can be after the parade, Mama might be hurting though, after trapezing through town in those stripper boots.........

 The family that "lady bugs" together, beats off  thugs together.....

 Quite the believable little clown.........

 The man in the jeans better hurry, his blackbird is targeting right in on his butt........

 I don't know who they're supposed to be, but I DO know who is doing all the work.....

 The boy in white, and yours truly, as well--can't figure out how this young rock star is maneuvering right on top of his speaker.........

The Kung Fu Pandas.........

 Such indignities for such a noble breed.........

 And Of course, no Pet Parade would be complete without Zozo!........

Chinatown, San Francisco has a gorgeous Chinese Dragon as the finale of the Chinese New Year Parade, in Santa Fe, we settle for a giant earthworm......

 A pretty girl sitting on the curb............

The Montoya Clan is laying claim to our after-parade corner in front of The Guarantee.........

 Where Louie seems to be getting the "evil eye" from his wifey.......

 And when you get "eviled" by Sisi, you STAY eviled...........

Sisi feels so lucky to have her little daughter, Toesette, here for Fiesta........

 Just as we are lucky that Frannie is back in Santa Fe--Johanna too.........

Louie is amazed at the powerful yell from his wifey............

And seems quite impressed with the fantastic job of "braining" that Sisi has accomplished--Grandma too.........

 Well, when you learn from the Master............

 Despite the cold, the festivities continue on the Plaza.........

 We ran into our little showman from the parade, and he obliged us with a repeat performance.........

And even posed with his pet.  When he is a HUGE STAR, remember that you saw him first on this blog...........

 Later, we joined some friends at the Del Charro grill for food and drinks........

 And lots of good conversation--these are all folks who have met on Facebook sites like "You Know You're Old School Santa FeWhen...." and "Voces de Santa Fe", and who are all devotees of the history and culture of our hometown..........

And a grand time was had by all!  QUE VIVA LA FIESTA!

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