Monday, June 11, 2012


 We're totally thrilled to finally be able to attend a professional baseball game in Santa Fe!  This is the home opener for the Santa Fe Fuegos of the Pecos League.  (Some photos courtesy of THE SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN)
 The Chavezes arrive--as you can see, Fort Marcy Ball Park is literally in our back yard as our house sits amid that stand of trees in the background......

 Santa Fe's Mr. Photo is in attendance..........

 Dwight enjoys some ball park fare.  Johnny Chavez is running the concession, and everything is yummy.....

The infamous DIANA VIOLENTLY MASTICATING THE HOT DOG photo that ran on the front page of THE NEW MEXICAN......everybody in Santa Fe apparently saw it!  To make matters worse, it appeared on the morning of my Weight Watchers meeting where I had a lot of "'splaining" to do.  And since I have suffered a heart attack since this photo was taken, it will remain a searing indictment of the horrendeous American diet.  (By the way, it WAS delicious, and YES, I had two)..........

 The national anthem.............

 My favorite player--Andrew Archibald--and Sisi too.........

 Apparently the game was on the itinerary for the Queen's Jubilee--here, she arrives aided by her minions........
 Some pretty exciting action.....................

 Miss Frannette...............

 And the fans go wild................

 Especially the kids...............

 As nightfall descends on the ballpark.....

 The game is enjoyed by some local celebrities.............

 And some international ones as well..............

So welcome to the SANTA FE FUEGOS--PLAY BALL!

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