Tuesday, August 28, 2012

 We're ready for another Santa Fe Spanish Market and I am wearing a vintage Mexican dress......

 Worn with a decorated hat and Spanish Toledo jewelry to attend.........

 The very crowded and busy market in and around the Plaza...........

 And jam packed with gorgeous handcrafted goods from Hispanic artisans............

 Like one of our favorites--the beautiful and talented Judy Ortiz..........

 In the Traditional Market, thes array of straw applique crosses make a fabulous showing.....

 As does this three dimensional San Juan--with his finger over his lips as he is a protector against gossip.......

 Brilliant colors in the Traditional Market.....

 Alongside these delicate soft wood carvings.............

The super glamorous Julia with her crewel embroidery......

 This upside down cross won several awards.  I don't think it was mistakenly hung in this fashion, I suppose it is an homage to St. Peter who opted to be crucified upside down because he felt unworthy to die in the same manner as Jesus........

 Some unusual and very chic metal vases in the Contemporary Market......

 Here Waymon and Dwight discuss his process with the artisan who crafted the vases......

 Metal on wood--Contemporary Market.............

 Colorful weaving in the Traditional Market............

 A collage of colorful tiles............

 Some interesting hide paintings.............

 This is an entrant in a division in the Traditional Market wherein Artists can design contemporary style pieces made using traditional techniques........

 Cruising the market...........

 A serene bulto...........

A bullfighter from the Day of the Dead...........

 Clarence Medina of Dixon with yet another gorgeous masterpiece......

 A whimsical and lovely stained glass artwork..........

 Perennial winner in the straw applique division, Martha, and her artistic hubby Mark........

 And some of her creations..........
 In her magical booth................
 That showcases her talent and her faith..............

 Baby sister, Judy, continues the family tradition of top quality workmanship....

 Two fabulous swim about a booth in the Contemporary Market........

 This collage by my friend Connie's California cousin, won top honors in the Contemporary Market.  Waymon purchased another of her mixed media works...........

 Another enthusiastic contemporary artisan.............

 And some really cool contemporary art...........

 The Matachines arrive ready to dance...........

 And we retire for a loverly lunch at Del Charro Grill with top notch company.....

So all in all, on Day One of the market:  a great time was had by all!

Monday, August 20, 2012


 It has been 45 years since we graduated from Santa Fe High School and we decided to celebrate with a scaled down mini-reunion to touch base with old friends and lay the groundwork for a larger event for our 50th in 2017.  Follow this link to a U-Tube posting with music of some of the fun of that night:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3603shcvfw&feature=g-hist

 In order to have a fun event, you need a dedicated committee............

 And some outreach.  Since we were trying to keep expenses at a minimum, we relied mainly on the Internet and word of mouth.  We will get back to our usual detective approach seeking out old classmates for the 50th.

 So, we all congregated at Tiny's for a casual evening of fun.  By the way, if you want to save and print any photo from this posting, simply click on the image to open it up to full size, then right click on the enlarged picture and select "save as" from the menu.  After saving, just back arrow back to the blog.
 Theresa and Bob set up a laptop running the photoshows of high school memories and previous reunions..........

 And Mark and Dwight check out some of our display boards.....

 Dancing was also available in the front lounge for those who wanted to dance..........

 Marla and Cisco helped us out as greeters and handled the money and donations
that has us with a nice little nest egg to start up the 50th reunion fund.

 Mr. Bob takes care of our last minute financial obligations for snacks and bar set-ups......

 He also put together this display of our dearly departed classmates and teachers who have passed away since the last reunion five years ago...........

In the interests of both time and space, I will be posting the photos of the Mini-Reunion for the most part, without comment:

AND A GREAT TIME WAS HAD BY ALL!!  For the photo show of the Mini-Reunion--with music--follow the link: