Thursday, October 25, 2012

Historical/Hysterical Parade
 It's the last day of Fiesta 2012 and instead of watching the parade, this year, we are going to be in it!
(Some photos courtesy of Danny and Frannie)

 Dwight and I are channelling our flower-child personas........

 And meeting the rest of the gang near Rosario Cemetery where the parade is assembling....

 We are waiting in the cemetery shade as the gaudy finale of Fiesta gets set behind us.....

 The girls were amazed to take a brief walk with me to see our (the Capshaw's) gravestone nearby.......
 The groovy hippie finds it all amusing--must have been those delicious brownies......

 Waymon has already tuned in, turned on and dropped out.......

 That's the large Democratic Party contingent behind us--they also have a 60s theme which made some folks think we were part of their group.  Now, if there's Democrats......

 Then there has to be Miss Francesca!  She was really quite in charge--and sooooo cute!..........

 Josina and Dwightie have already forgotten why we're here--and WHERE we are.....

But here is our float--"The Baby Boomers Working to Support the Alzheimer's Association"....

 Dwight G. is channelling his feminine side......

 And we're ready to go.........

 Let the parade commence........(If you would like to see what the rest of the parade was like, just click on Danny's Blog on the upper right side of this page as he was WATCHING it)

 For several miles we waved and threw candy.....

 And poor Dwight--he of the constantly breaking feet--walked alongside passing out literature......

 We got a good response from the crowd....

 But the hit of the whole parade was Brody looking out the truck window......

 The crowd approves--even the New Yorkers........

 And afterwards we had a great meal in the restaurant patio--so Brody could attend......

 So with a little work, and Love and Peace in your hearts..........


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