Thursday, November 08, 2012

 As one of the most important elections of all time approaches, folks across our country are preparing to vote and anxiously await the outcome.....

 Including right here in my hometown of Santa Fe, New Mexico!  On Election Day itself, I am serving as part of the election poll workers crew for Precinct 10--a long day: 6:00am to 8:00pm.....

 Afterwards, we meet up with like-minded friends to watch the returns, eat good steaks, and enjoy the camaraderie.............

 Oh, and enjoy some sorely "needed" libation!  "HERE'S TO THE BLUE STATES!"..........

 At last the winner is announced and I take the first truly deep breath since the first debate!  Hooray for our President!

 "Take that you dirty dealing, tax avoiding, elitist 1 percenters!!!"

They're dancing in the streets in Times Square and here in Santa Fe too!

 "The people have spoken!"  Unfortunately, the people have also DRUNKEN and as you can see Marguerite is just a bit tipsy and she soon gets quite rambunctious and belligerent and I have to back her up in a few skirmishes with rowdy Republicans............(Joke)..........
Our President won our precinct, our city, our state and our
COUNTRY!!  And I couldn't be prouder!!!

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