Wednesday, January 02, 2013

 It's an exciting evening because we are attending a special event.....

 In a beautifully decorated holiday setting.....

 Attended by lots of congenial folks happy to be here.....

To honor a wonderful woman on the occasion of her retirement after a long career in state and federal service...................................
 Josina greets every guest........

 Some from the very early years of her career........

 And some of the "Core Kids" from our members and admirers of the Class of '67........

 The Dinning room at THE LODGE was filled to capacity....

 Another "Core Kid", Annabelle greets our honoree with a beaming smile...........

 Husband, Adolfo, asked what to wear and Josina said "a tuxedo", so he complied....

 Even if it was a Tuxedo T-Shirt.........

 More "Core Kids"--but Randy and Theresa are camera shy, so I have to sneak a quick shot......

Waymon enjoys some stimulating conversation.....

 And Mister Dwight is delighted to be in attendance....

FEMME PENSIVE.  This is a momentous evening for Josina and there is bound to be some sentimental moments......

 But the large crown is excited and happy for her.....

 Josina has always loved a man in uniform--and her grandson is happy to comply in his Boy Scout uni.........

 And don't forget the Cub Scouts as well..............

 Both boys love Josina's beeeeautiful cake.................

 And the congratulations keep on coming.....

 And soon the presentations begin.....

 Including this handmade "nativity" depicting the folks from the Parks Service.....

 The joke is that it will never make it into Josina's large nativity collection....

 She enjoys the joke.........

 And I'm sure THIS nativity gift will surely make the cut into the exclusive collection...

The crowd agrees, and many record it for posterity.........

 The boys have a presentation for Grandma......

 And Mommie is there to help them along.....

 There is not a dry eye in the house as Josina's only child tells Josina how proud and happy she feels to be her daughter.......

 Josina reacts with a full heart to the accolades and many warm wishes from friends and family.......

 And so now after many years of hard work it's time for Josina to enjoy the liesure time she has so richly earned.....

Best wishes, dear friend, as you enter what we all hope will be the most rewarding and enjoyable years of your life....CONGRATULATIONS JOSINA!

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