Friday, April 26, 2013

IT'S EASTERTIDE 2013........
 It's time to celebrate the season of rebirth in the church.....

 And in the seasons of nature,,,,,

 Today Elliott is being taken to church at the Cathedral for the first time......

 And the congregation is in the spirit of rejoicing......

 And the church is resplendent in the trapping for the most Joyous celebration of the liturgical year.....

 Even La Conquistadora is wearing her Easter finest and her golden crown for her Easter Bonnet.....

 And all the sacrifice and hardship of lent is a mere memory in the happiness of this day......

 "This is how I look when I don't get my way............"

 "Maybe I'll just hold my breath..............."

"Or yell out some nonsense............"

 "Or maybe I'll just run away.........."

 "Hey, I don't like pretty girls!"

 "And I won't go any place with them............."

 "Remember that Jesus suffered so much for our sins................"

 "Oh, are you wanting to take my picture, Frannie?"...................

 "How do you like this pose?".............

 "You did say to look happy, right?"...............

Frannie says:  "Boy, I got the best of that encounter............"
Elliott says:  "Boy, I got the best of that encounter............"

"Let's check out the Parish Garden............."

 After hearing the story of Jesus and the Stations of the Cross in the church, Elliott wanted to see the big stations in the garden..........

 So while the parishioners were busy hiding Easter eggs for the Children's Easter Egg Hunt after the next Mass, we took a tour of the garden.......

 And even though some of the statues are a bit gory, Elliott was most interested in learning the story.....

 My Baby Binks on Easter Sunday.....

It's a very happy time of year.....
 A very, very happy time of year............

 And it is so nice to have family from San Francisco and New York in town for the holiday......

 In MY Easter Bonnet,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

"Those mean Romans who did those things to Jesus shouldn't get ANY Easter Eggs........."

Root Vegetable Salad--my contribution to Easter Dinner.......

 And we are sooooo proud!

 Now, Elliott is Mr. Helpful--getting the table set..........

 As are all the grandchildren........

 "Checka's the Queen and I'm just the slave" (to paraphrase Danny)

 The cooks finally sit down to eat......


 Ladies and gents who dine....

 And drink.....

 Louie says Grace........

 Vamos a comer..........

 This is good...."
 "Really, really good.........."



"Are these flowers edible?"...........


Oh well........."

 Dinner serenade

 Thanks so much for coming home for Easter, Baby..........

 My son, my son.............

 Wisdom from the peanut gallery..........

 "More 'Grace', Dad?"..........

You've got Bette Davis eyes............

 "You said WHAT'S in the salad?........

 "Shall we sing 'Pancho and Lefty'?"............

 "All the Federales say--They could have had him any day........"


 And Grandma's sooo proud!.......

 Mama's Family..........

"How dry I am.............."
 "Thank goodness Frannie doesn't drink....(wink, wink)

 The hard part--Goodbye to Beautiful Baby Binks...............

 So, here's hoping that you, gentle readers, enjoyed YOUR Easter.........

And that you are set for the very loveliest of Spring times to come............

It's the most romantic month of the year--February--the month of St. Valentine's Day!   Click on image to enlarge calendar photo for...