Friday, June 14, 2013

 A few years ago, I purchased a very darling, but, for me, a rather expensive red sun dress for over $100.  I loved the dress, and got lots of compliments on it, and searched on line for one like it.  I eventually ended up talking to the producer and was somehow mistaken as a store owner and my contact, who I think was Bahamian, told me I could purchase the same dress for $18.50 as long as I ordered at least six of the same style.  She asked my store name, and I blurted out:  "Diana's Duds".  A couple of days later, my summer wardrobe arrived in a big box addressed to DIANA'S DUDS--all for less than what the first dress cost me.  So, here is my inventory of my cyber-store:

This is a nice blue tones version with an interesting print......

This is the exact same print in much more vibrant tones...........

Here is a floral version in cream and yellow tones...........

These dresses are actually the same print in two different colors.  Unfortunately, the smaller more lively portions of the fabric are on the back side of my dress, but if you look at the fabric near my hand, you can see how it matches the lively look of Sisi's frock.  At $18.50 I could be magnanimous and get Baby Sister a dress too............

Another floral version in shades of pink...............(Zsa Zsa is dumb founded--as I suspect are some of you gentle readers)

Of course, after all is said and done, I still love my first dress best of all--but just think how much money I got to save my dear hubby by becoming the proprietor of DIANA'S DUDS.......................

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