As Fiesta approaches, the days are filled with activities.....here Dwight and I pose enroute to a Fiesta Mexican Dinner for the benefit of the Alzheimers Assoc,, But soon, there will be an event for another special somebody.......
That horrible old monster--Old Man Gloom himself--ZOZOBRA!
A very enlightened new head of the Kiwanis' Zozobra pageant, has organized a fabulous new event where lots of Santa Fe kids, and lots of us Old Timer's as well get a chance to see this perennial giant up close and personally, before he is constructed in Fort March Park......
I, myself have always wanted an upclose photo with the mighty goblin.......
This is his giant body.....
And here we are--fingertip to fingertip! Of course, his blue finger nails are as big as my head!
There were lots of posters and artwork by children and professionals celebrating our yearly "man of horror"......
And some of Will Shuster's original plans were on display and Zozo's "brother" (Will Shuster's 'other' mammoth creation) Diablo--the Rodeo de Santa Fe bull was on display as well......
And what Santa Fe Kid hasn't created his/her own Zozobra through the years?
I KNOW our kids did!! (That's Rachel in the red--she's the fire dancer)
Giano later did this large painting that graces our Fiesta Café......
We've even been treated to some edible Zozobra's through the years. (sorry, try as I might, I couldn't get this photo rotated)
Besides these Zozo creations, there were drawings and other contributions from Santa Fe children on display....
Another thing that was available was a station with paper and pencils to write down all your worries and then stuff them up Zozobra's dress so that all our troubles can go up in smoke before the celebration of Fiesta begins. Fortunately, I didn't have too many troubles to add to the stash inside him....
And soon enough, lots and lots of Santa Fe kids stand in line for their "shot" with Zozobra...
Including our own Elliott! (Photo courtesy of Danny)
Back home, unaware of what is going to happen in our own back yard that will "rock his world" for a while, Mr. Winston, the Lord of the Manor ,relaxes with his usual aplomb......
And another little creature is curious, curious about what is happening in the neighborhood.....
So beware!! In a few days hence, HEEEEE'S COMING..........
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