Friday, March 25, 2016

When the days grow long and dreary through the many months of winter, the members of the Core Kids Supper Club sometimes entertain joyful notions of Grand Banquets like in the days of yore......
With attendees like these glamorous royals......
And even some pirates and wenches for fun and spice......
And so as our plans progressed, we had one afternoon in February for costume swapping and ideas.....
Until finally the night of the Renaissance Banquet has arrived, and the guests are greeted by this festive lantern......
And host, Lord Capshaw......

And his lady-of-the-court, Diana
And so, they hang this festive greeting: WELCOME ALL YE MERRY MAKERS......

And take a breather from their wild abandonment of dancing.....
To prepare the dinning hall.....
And decorate the Grand Hall to greet their cast of characters:
                                                 Queen Louise of Castile....
Her handsome consort, King Dwight G. of Aragon.....
                                                               King Richie the VIII
 And his vixen consort--Queen Terrie
That Spanish Grandee, Don Roberto 
And the Dona Margurite
The devious Bobert Cromwell
                                                  The fair Lady Elaine of Water Street

                                                And her liege, the brave Sir Waymundo of El Nido Tecolote
The pious Catholic Queen Juanita and
Cardinal Joaquin--confessor to the Queen (Both of whom were unable at the last moment to join the party)
                                                  The feisty wench, Josina........

                                                       Chancellor, Kieth...
                                        And his lady Fair, Kim--the Lily maid of Corrales......

                                                      The studious Lady Linda.....
                                              And her count, Sir Timothy.
                                              Karen the Wayfaring Princess of Astalot.....
                                         And the Spanish Lady-In-Waiting, Dona Sylvia
The party decorations are in waiting.... 
                                            Let the revelers arrive!  Like that Romainian princess, Marguerite  and       her escort, "the Wise Man from the East", Bob
 The royal hound DiCaprio watches in apt amazement as Bob does a few calisthenics to prepare for some hardy partying....
                                  WELCOME, WELCOME--ONE AND ALL!!
                               The Royals are out in force tonight--Like King Dwight and Queen Louise....
                                      And Sir Keith and his wife, Lady Kim.......
                                               One of Robin Hood's merry men.....
                                   And a couple of Kings--probably splitting up Poland.....
                                                     Dwight and his loyal hound.....
                           Maid Linda and King Bob party on.....
 The hosts invite the guests to imbibe of the libations--served in medieval flagons and glasses
 And to enjoy the appetizers, like the tray of magic mushroom pockets brought by Dona Sylvia......
 Countess Josina--she of the Mona Lisa smile--arrives with her entourage, and delicious mini cheesecakes for dessert.....
 "Don't mind if I do..." says Queen Louise as she (and Romanian gypsy Karen as well) enjoys some Royal Grog..... ( She also brought a festive tray of appetizers colorfully arranged with festive party spears)
 Lord Capshaw admires his wifey--or is it her handful of a mushroom pocket.
 This trio enjoys some of the other appetizers--Sir Waymundo's shrimp and brine......
 These old Crusaders reminisce of their glory days of yore.....
As the party folk pick up steam......
 Lady Diana enjoys Time-Traveler-From-The-Future, Richie's wild stories.....
And King Dwight G is confused by the silver tablet that Richie brought from the 21st century....
 Meanwhile, the dinning hall is all prepared....
 Lady Diana has prepared special treats for her guests....
 Ladies settings include a medieval style picture frame holder with candy, a glass ornament. a shiny compact, a commemorative vintage spoon and a token necklace.....
 Gentlemen's setting includes a portrait, candy, an ornament, a commemorative vintage spoon  and a stack of gold coin chocolates.....
 But yet, the ladies digress....
 And the smiling cavalier holds court--as he has in this house for over 60 years....
 The ladies have enjoyed the appetizer's.....
 And some interesting conversation.....
 While the Capshaws' loyal vassal, Giancarlo, prepares the lettuce spear salads.  In keeping with the style of olden days, only a porridge spoon will be set, and all food will pretty much have to be spoon edible or eaten by hand.  So the salad is hand-held Romaine spears wraps....
 Some of the conversation turns to Core Kids not able to be present, like:
                              The  ever popular Lady Annabelle...
                                                  And the royal Veverises.......
 The Spanish wench Sisi and her gypsy cohort save their most interesting comments for:
                  That swashbuckling knight, Sir Luis of Galisteo....
 And Lady Linda of Kansas who just barely missed being in Santa Fe by only one day.....
                                      Femme pensive....
                                  But the king is hungry.....
                                And the merry man is spinning out of control....
And yet the Lady Di amuses herself with playing with butterflies......

 As yet the dining hall waits....
              "Is it time yet?" asks the Wise Man from the East....
                                      The gypsy woman finally just seats herself and is ready for dinner.....
                                                              And the grand hall is becoming deserted....
 As those jolly crusaders are getting ever more jolly.  "Boy, we had a hot time in Jerusalem..." they are heard to utter.........
Finally, the lady of the house pronounces:  "DINNER IS SERVED!".
 Lady Diana serves the first course, an Italian beef and sausage porridge with winter greens......
 Hopefully, a porridge fit for a king.....
 "Exactly, what IS in that soup?"  asks the mighty King Bobert......
 But the grinny sisters will not divulge their secret.....
 The pleasure of your company.....
 Proudly wearing a plaid to honor her ancestral roots, Lady Kim awaits her turn....
 Meanwhile Margurite is apprised that on the service table there is artisanal bread and homemade spiced butters that the family Michael has provided......
 The banquet in full force--many of the participants confessing to their most private dreams.....
 Like Dona Marguerite wishing to be the queen of the ball--and all she surveys.....

 Lady Linda wishing for the simple life of a peasant girl free to collect flowers....

 And Mistress Kim yearning for the splendors of the racier French court....
 Lord Dwight imagining himself as a King errant--in the manner of Don Quixote....
 Sir Keith longing for the intrigues of Wolf Hall.....
 Queen Louise wishing for the adventures of a Warrior Princess....
 and everyone imagining the sweet Queen Juanita as a haughty courtesan.....
 Meanwhile Dwight starts on the main courses--turkey legs and ribs, stuffing with green chile and pinon, boiled potatoes with cheese and chile (courtesy of Casa Mellor), Salad spears, and desserts:
Cupcakes from Lady Eileen, mini cheese cakes from Lady Josina , an array of macaroon muffins and sweet cakes from the house of White (not to be confused with "THE White House") and ice cream with homemade Kahlua topping.
 And soon the dinner conversation turns to more secret desires:

 Like Lady Eileen wishing to experience the wild flings of a common wench,

 And Queen Terrie wishing she could be attired in her coronation finery ALL THE TIME.....
 And Lady Di wanting to play Ann Boleyn and trade out the famous Boleyn signature "B" necklace with her own "D" necklace.....
 Lady Josina wishes she could just get a little more wine with her meal.....
 Everyone imagines Queen Juanita in her finery of the Spanish Court....
And Sisi wishes she were a Fairie Queen.........
 And Lord Dwight just imagines himself eating more turkey legs.......
Which amid the treasures of the evening...

                                  King Dwight G is actually doing.
 Soon it is time for one last toast....
 And soon the halls of merriment will be silent once more.....
 King Dwight bids adieu to his guests.....
                                                And Lady Diana does too.
                                    But even though the party is at an end....
                        The MAGIC yet remains........
                                      So keep dreaming of turkey legs as big as dinosaurs.....
                                                  And reaching for the stars.....
Because fairytales DO come true!

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