Donna and Artie gather at the Waldorf Astoria for the
prestigious S.W.A.C.K. Awards. (South-Western Academy of Caption Kings).

Danny is thrilled to be part of the first awards banquet of this "awards season".......

Donna is excited to spot all the celebrities in attendance.........

Margarite is in awe of all the gorgeous gowns and expensive jewelry.....

This tense picture of
Sisi as she awaits the actual announcement of the award has all the tension of the famous shot of Simone
Signoret--with back arched and hands over her breasts as she awaits the announcement of the Oscar for Best Actress........

A pretty full face shot of a
glamorous gran dame in attendance......

A pretty full faced shot of a
glamorous kitty......

The equally
glamorous profile shot......

Matched by the kitty profile........

Behind the genial exterior, Artie is
strategizing about how he will maintain his reputation as the great "wit" of Santa Fe by winning the next
SWACK award........

I don't know if Simone
Signoret won her OSCAR, but
Sisi did get her

Congratulations to the winner! And best of luck to you other prospective
Captionists in the future.........
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