Our eldest child is back home for a visit...............

This has put everyone in a jolly mood..........

There's nothing like having the children back home.............

So today, the sun is shining on
Cielo Azul..............

Frannie gets to see her Auntie's lovely garden...........I don't think she was expecting our unusually cool weather........

This is Iris time in
Sisi's garden...........

A few days later,
Sisi won "Queen of Show" at the Santa Fe Iris Show with this iris--Conjuration........

As the family congregates at La
Choza, Grandma gives
Giano a squeeze.........

Everyone is happy to toast the
Giano is happy to NOT be the center of attention...........

Chavezes are big Frannie fans..............

Danny is also feeling congenial...........

And a good time was had by all!!!
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