After a party last night, we wake up and prepare for another party today.......

Grandma Alice is one of the first guests at cousin Anthony's high school graduation party......

Cynthia is helping out giving her husband John's grandson a well-appreciated bottle......

Aunt Andie is enjoying the fabulous spread of Asian food..............

Danny is holding up to the unusually cool weather out on the patio...........

Frannie records the affair............

We hold out for a few more minutes outside before retreating inside. Santa Fe has been
experiencing a really cold
and rainy spring........

Louie dips his
spring roll........

The girls make good use of their chop sticks...........

Diana hears some pretty interesting information..............

Theresa and her Mom dig into their Chinese carry out boxes...........

We listen to our wise family elder.............

And a good time was had by all!!
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