Pretty kinky eh?...........

Not really so kinky, on the other side of our hotel room, I have the same sign--remnants let over by the fans of the Queens of Pain at the Roller Derby last night..............

A few feet from our hotel is the Hearst Tower--our favorite skyscraper! Right now you are looking at the six story base of the tower that was a project cut short by the depression over seventy years ago. More on the Hearst Tower in the days to come...........

Our first stop is an all-weather flea market held on the weekends on several floors of a parking structure that is usually full of cars during the work week. I have my hundred dollars my Mama gave me for my birthday, so I'm well stocked with "mad money".......

Afterwards, on our way to another flea market, we encounter a street fair.........

That was loaded with delicious treats from many foreign countries..............

As well as exotic plants...................

Like these orchids............

And cultured bonsais.......................

Dwight rests on one of the many barricades that keep the side streets open to traffic. A very important notion since this fair stretches for at least ten city

It even has a blow-up

And a mid-way.......................

And good
ol' American food too.................

It was fun to mingle
among the sights, sounds and fragrances of the street fair..........

Columbus has some impressive architecture.............

These are the first of many, many street performers we would encounter in our two weeks in New York--all top drawer!..........

pickle man..............

Sad unrequited love.............

Tropical eats..................

That's not a purse, it's a European tote.............

Spicy foods, we got some horseradish
pickles for midnight snacks...........

adorable bonsais........................

The interesting exterior of The

A spooky tower at the rear of the Museum of Natural History........................

We found the next flea market...................

In the playground of a public school......................

Now we have to hurry to the Riverside Park on the Hudson River to meet the children for lunch at the Boat Basin Cafe.......................

We pass some interesting exteriors en-route..............

Love these rows of "brownstones"..............

Entrance to an old carriage turn-about...................

A quaint firehouse...................

Dwight poses before a stately apartment house..................

An imposing synagogue.................

Beautiful pansies in a beautiful stone flower box...............

I'm loving this walk!..................
Some one's impressive entry......................

Another leafy street.....................

Some picturesque details....................

If George Washington slept at The Washington Inn, I wonder who slept here?..................

These homes along Riverside Drive have lovely views of the park and the river.........

Some pretty stone balconies...............

We've finally reached the park and will soon see the girls...........
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