After a drive from New York to New Jersey, we arrive at the vast Seward Johnson's Grounds for Sculpture........

There is a lovely interior space with wooded exhibits and a wonderful restaurant where we had a
scrumptious lunch...........

A wooden aquarium?...........

We changed our plans for the day because of forecasts of heavy prolonged rain in the city and hoped to find a drier clime in New Jersey.........

And although it was
drizzly, it really didn't rain outright all day. The mist is the
background is produced by fog machines for certain exhibits........

There were interesting fountains for some exhibits also............

Frannie appreciates some modern sculpture...........

Some sculptures were

The reflection of the human forms in the pool below was very interesting.........

Chess anyone?..........

The gardens are huge and wonderfully
manicured. Each
sculpture has been selected to blend in with the gorgeous landscapes..............

Does this look like a world famous painting brought to 3
dimensions?? This is Seward Johnson's speciality--as well as adding the striped shirted
voyeur enjoying the scene...............

Who says old farts can't have fun in a sculpture garden...............

My lovely daughters...........

More fun with the fog...................

Our umbrellas were our constant companions, but it really was just drizzling....................

Crime scene..............

Very cool..............

An interesting

Headless wonders..........

Oh, this scene looks familiar........................

While the lovely Bianca looks on, the
Mets fan steals the bread...................

The parents try to make small talk and deflect the

Not all the trees in the garden are leafy.................

Or even woody.................

A foggy day in Princeton town......................

Bathing beauty..................

An outdoor
amphitheater for classes and demonstrations.............

Singing in the rain................

Frannie has encountered another famous face..............

One of Renoir's famous ladies.........................

While Mother distracts, Binky grabs some yarn--is there a theme
emerging here?............

A burst of color..............

Help with a broken umbrella spoke.................

Emerging from the stone...............

A spot for

Hard working man....................

Part of the garden is deep dark woods.....................

Oh my God! Its the Forest of the Subconscious!...........

Frannie is not afraid to forge into the forest of the subconscience...................

What will we find in here?....................

Yup, this is it! THIS is what you find in the heart of the forest.................

Even the twiggies get jiggy in the forest of the subconscience................

A plesant spot with a table by the lake.....................

A misty maiden...................


Where is Chiara standing?..................

The answer lies in this recreation of a famous painting of an artist.....................

And what can it be that he is painting?.................

And who is that woman busting into his scene?................

The painting is actually one of my favorite impressionist paintings--it was actually on the cover of my Freshmen's Literature book.......................

Here it is in 3-D..............

With all those rogue New Mexicans moving into the frame.....................

They're busy getting inappropriate in oh so many ways.........................

But its so much fun!......................

Up close and personal........................

The old lady is agast at the liberties these wild women are taking with her dignified hubby...........

Even Dwight seems a bit agast............................

Everyone's a critic!.................

Far out and groovy...........................

A little violence on the canvas...........................

But eventually, we all reconciled.....................................

Somehow very Napoleonic...............................

A quaint forest outlook..........................

Something modern......................

A "patch of sky" turns this into a $ sign.........................

An Asian bell tower.........................

Frannie forges on..................................

Dwight gets neighborly with a blondie..............................

Some HUGE lovers.............................

A very Mattise-like lilly pond..................................

Ok Sisi, try and make a flower arangement in this 20ft. vase..................................

Woodland temple..........................

What will the girls find up around that corner?.......................................

A beautiful table--beautifully set for a riparian repaste.......................

And so we take a break from touring the garden with an imaginery luncheon with imaginery food. Cool.............................
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