Thursday, September 03, 2009

What in the world is going on here? Stay tuned to find out.........................

The old Police Headquarters Building on the edge of Little Italy...............

And the beaming proprietress of our destination--PAPPABUBBLE.............

And the lovely Miss Toesette--Candymaker Extraordinaire...............

Today the girls are making candy for a class of youngsters from neighboring Chinatown............

The student's field trip includes a demonstration where they see their own lollipops being made................

These are some of the many flavors available...............

Lots of adorable faces...............

Toesette distributes some of the lollipops.............

And here is OUR special treat!--Bianca has flown in from San Francisco!............

Toesette adds a lot of class to the establishment.............

We are going to have to leave, but we will return..................

Bye Lolipop Lady!................

We're going around the corner to dine al fresco on the main drag of Little Italy!.........

Francesca looking lovely..................

Chiara looking lovely.......................

The California girl looking lovely too!!.....................................................

He can speak Russian--in French.............................

When the most interesting woman in the world eats spaghetti, she eats Putanesca........

Profile in Courage...............

Chiara is quite at home here in New York!..................

But behind those shades, Binky might be "California dreaming"................

"Yup, your sunglasses are still there"...........................................................

This is my total joy and the point of this "Birthday Trip"--all the girls together!!..............

Nice smile!.....................

Francesca, as the eldest--and therefore "most influential" of the girls shares her "birght idea"..................

Chiara is a bit skeptical, but after careful consideration, decides to go along with Frannie's idea.............

The old DINE AND DASH!! (And with the Police Headquarters so near too!)

Safely back at Pappabubble, Toesette is starting a new order of candy from scratch.................

It involves lots of strong-arm pulling...................

And the addition of flavoring and coloring..............................

Wrapped in the center of this bundle will be the initials of the Bride + Groom--very tricky and fun to watch..............................

It takes the steady hands of two professionals......................

And a lot of ingenuity.......................

The giant bundle in the bride's colors--initials inside-- is finally together..........................
And all the strong-arm pulling demonstrated in the opening photo of this post, eventually gets the big bundle down to these slim ropes.....................
The lovely Fiona challenges the lovely Toesette to a contest once the ropes cool..................
A candy chipping duel to see who can make the most individual candies...............................
Toesette is up to the challenge..................................
Chip, chip, chip, chip............................................
Francesca phones in the exciting news to the awaiting media: ANGELICA CHAVEZ WINS THE CANDY CUTTERS' CHALLENGE!!..........................................

The spectators stand in mouth-watering awe....................
That's a lot of candy!--each one with the couples initials inside.....................
Hail to thee, Candymaker Supreme!...........................................
Click on image to enlarge infamous Calvin Kline billboard. This orgy scene enraged so many citizens that most of the billboards in the city were removed the very next day. But you can see it free and uncensored only here on CIELO AZUL HAPPENINGS.......................
We muscle our way down the sidewalks of lower Manhattan...............................
"Hurry up, old woman!".......................
We make it to the subway to catch a ride to our hotel.......................
But the "youngsters" are exhausted from trying to keep up with the "oldies but goodies". Get a little rest, because we have plans tonight..........................

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