Monday, March 29, 2010

Click on image to enlarge calendar photo for March 2010.

Click on image to enlarge calendar dates for March 2010.
New York Trip--Day 13, Part Two
Continuing our lovely day in Hoboken..........

It's time for lunch, and it is a challenge to pick just one restaurant from the many on this street.......
Most of the restaurants on Washington Street were Italian at one time--reflecting the character of the neighborhood, but today there are restaurants of many varied cuisines.......
We finally find one that is just right for us.............
Where we can sit and watch the parade of life go by...................
And admire the architecture of this main drag..................
Not to mention DEVOURING the food!.................
As you can tell, I loved my Italian food jut as much as Dwight does............

At the Greek Restaurant in Sheepshead Bay, I included a photo of a pretty Greek girl who was channeling Melina Mecuri, in this case, I am including a photo of a little mini-drama that transpired on the sidewalk in front of our cafe. The cook in the white shirt came rushing out of our restaurant to greet this lovely young mother and her family, and then the mother in a combination of English and Italian had to explain why they were going to meet her husband for lunch at one of his competitors--another Italian Restaurant up the block.............
Ah Familia!.................

All this drama is enough to make a woman want to drink...........
Fortunately, the husband is there to pull her out of the wine bar.............
An interesting roofline on Washington Street..............
Very, very chic...............
A Tudor building on this block.............
On our way to the Hoboken Historical Museum, we passed this interesting building...............
And inside the museum, we soon read this interesting "local color" about that building.............
Dwight checks out some of the exhibits....................
There was an ON THE WATERFRONT exhibit by local Hoboken artists................

Some were atmospheric...............

Some were inspiring.....................

Some were very stylistic....................
Some made you imagine a story to go along with them...........
Some had the energy of springtime...........
And if I had the money to purchase one, this is the one I'd pick to remember the wonderful waterfront of Hoboken.............
A 19th century Currier & Ives print of the Elysian Fields............
This is a very interesting engraving of a quite fabulous bridge proposed to connect Hoboken and Manhattan..............

I think this exhibit is of the type of stone that eventually was excavated from about the very same area as the proposed bridge for the tunnel that now connects Hoboken and Manhattan.................

Remember all those Doughboys who left to WWI from the docks of Hoboken..........
The Museum has a very nice exhibit of WWI paraphernalia............
This sheet music from the era features a drawing of a WWI soldier and his girl cuddling...........

Maybe at Sybil's Cave! (Currier and Ives)..........................
The museum has a section on the filming of ON THE WATERFRONT....................
More waterfront stuff............
Here's a place we have to find and explore when we return to Hoboken.............

I should of bought this cool cap.....................
More for next time................

Back on the street, we're headed to meet our ferry.............
We really have enjoyed Hoboken............
It seems to be a place with a gracious way of life..............
And a sense of community........................
Lots of interesting architecture..............
For sure, we will make a return trip some day..............

A plesant fountain................
Near another "pier" park....................

A rather precious shot......................

We're back on the piers, and watch this industrious little tugboat pulling this garbage barge............
The working piers are behind me in this shot--as is the City of New York......................
Another memorial flagstaff with the city as a backdrop......................
This is a very busy working pier........................
On that dock over there is where we are to catch our ferry....................
It's a very warm and sunny day.....................

There's our ferry................
And we're leaving Hoboken in our wake..................
There are some wierd glare markings on these photos taken out the window of the ferry..............
Chelsea and Mid-town....................
The Empire State........................
Old-style finish on this one.................that dark green band along the river is the Celsea Highline park--instead of rehabilitated piers becoming parks, in this case it's an old elevated highway that has now become an urban park. Kiki suggested we visit it, but we were so tired we skipped it. When we got home we found out that this was the new hotspot of NYC. People were gathering in the elevated park by the throngs, because the hotel on the extreme left side of the picture--with the vertical windows--had become a mecca for enhibitionist who would rent the rooms and cavort nude to the delight of the patrons of the park. We miss all the fun!

Back on terra firma in Manhattan......................
I like this photo because it has aspects of 19th, 20th and 21st century New York................
When that building with the vertical bands of color is lit up and colorwashed at night, it is the sexiest building in the city.................
We arrive back home for a short rest before the activities of the evening with the girls. Hoboken has been grand!