Monday, March 01, 2010

We're ready to leave the belly of the ship and go out on the deck....................
I think this would be a good setting for all those sailors in "On the Town" who have one day to see New York to sing "New York, New York". ("The Bronx is up, the Battery's down, People ride around in a hole in the ground" etc. etc.).................................................
What a backdrop!......................

And there's lots to see on this rain soaked runway.....................
Like the Super Tomcat. The very best demonstration I ever saw at an air show was by this plane................
And the helicopters sit just as they did in Vietnam for rescue and as fighters....................
Dwight inspects this F-4 Phantom.............................................

It IS a helluva town......................This is actually our neighborhood--well, our hotel's neighborhood.............
That square topped glass building with triangular panes is the Hearst Tower right across the street from our room...........
Dwight would love to fire this gun..........................
But the little lady shows him how it's done........................
This guy must be the bully of all the helicopters..................
That's the New Jersey Palisades in the background...............Captain Sully's plane landed in the Hudson right about here......................
A Coast Guard plane--presented on Cielo Azul Happenings in honor of Sal DiPalma.............
A very recognizable insignia..........................
The "flyboys" were always the cutest...................
This is an Israeli Air Force plane...................
From this angle, you get a better view of the Star of David insignia....................
I bet Dwight would give his right arm to fly this F-16 Falcon. Of course that would make maneuvering a bit awkward.......................
I don't think I would like to fly this plane that seems to have two targets painted on it.............
An F-8 Crusader bares her teeth......................
Some folks waited out the rain, but others came prepared with umbrellas...........
At this stage, we're under a canopy..................
A Chinese Mig 18................

An awesome American plane with the ace of spades painted on it (huh?)..................
Another Mig (21)--they were fearsome and very reliable fighters......................
This must be an American plane, it's FAT!........................
The Bullwinkle Moose Plane............................
A retired angel..............
I love this picture!--so atmospheric! A SR21 Blackbird keeps some visitors dry........................
Da, Da, Da, Duh.......................scary, huh?..................................
But I wouldn't want to meet this Mig 18 up in the sky either..................
I could check out that skyline all day.......................
This plane looks like a big metal bug..............................
A sleek F-16 Falcon............................................................
There are eight million stories in the Naked City, and this is just one of them......................
The story of a happy little fellow from New Mexico who just happens to LOVE airplanes..........
As we depart, I am a little consternated to find that with all the high tech aboard ship, we seem to be attached to the dock with just some REALLY, REALLY BIG string.....................
Here's where it's attached to the ship........................................
But it has been a lovely day...................
And the day that I am sure Dight will recall as the highlight of his vacation!

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