Monday, April 05, 2010

Diana is wearing a hat that is fancy enough to be an Easter Bonnet......................
Like the ones the girls wore those many Easters ago, BUT......................

The story of Diana's True Easter Bonnet involves this shallowly dug hole and that mysterious white packet..........................
Inside this packet is hallowed dirt scooped up from the batter's box in Yankee Stadium last June..........
The sacred stadium soil is mixed in with the Cielo Azul soil with an ordinary fork--that any of you who may eat at Cielo Azul in the future may have the honor (albeit it unannounced) of using.................
Dwight christens the mixed soil with the "Champagne of Ballparks"--beer........................
And carefully places the plate--that Waymon spotted abandoned in the arroyo--over the soil...................................
Being the First Lady of the Home--the Queen of the Castle, if you like--I know all about christening important additions to our society,like the Capshaw's Home Plate!.................
Dwight has his own ideas of what to do with the beer--a toast to the New York Yankees.................
Now we can touch "home" every time we get back from a trip and before and after Yankee games......
Dwight assures me that via that magical mojo that surrounds our national pastime, our efforts today will assure the Yankees a repeat of being World Series Champions!...........
So, now you see me in my TRUE Easter Bonnet.........PLAY BALL!!!!

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