Tuesday, June 08, 2010

After an enjoyable--albeit, hot and humid--morning in the cemetery, it is a pleasure to head for the leafy environs of Park Slope for my birthday lunch................
This neighborhood of brownstones, railed stoops and shady sidewalks is one of my favorites in the city................

Why it's those "Sex in the City" girls rockin' Brooklyn.......................
Frannie is so happy to see us, she's "flying" down the street.................
We had to park a ways from the restaurant, so we will have a bit of a walk in the neighborhood..............
Our restaurant is called Two Boots--reflecting its cuisine garnered from having one "boot" in each of two divergent cultures--Italy and Argentina. "Hey, wait for me, girls.........."
Diana poses while the girls partake of a favorite NYC pastime--picking up loot left on the street by folks who no longer want it..................
Frannie generally looks in disdain at this scavenging.........
But today, she seems to have gotten some goodies herself...................................
And.........we're off again in search of Two Boots....................
This is the house Dwight and I are going to buy when we move to Park Slope................
I love the elegance of this area--and of course the fact that Prospect Park is so near...............
Some more rooflines on our trek................
We're still rockin' the sidewalk...................
Hey, this looks promising..............

We may be getting close................
This seems to be one of the main drags of Park Slope....................
Ooooooh! Italian food, we ALWAYS like that!.......................
Frannie says Two Boots is just around the corner...................

And around the bend...........................
"I know it's close............."

"Weren't we HERE already?"........................
At long last--TWO BOOTS!........................
Frannie is studying that very large menu in this very pleasant patio................
Chiara has proof that she is gainfully employed--maybe she's picking up the tab...............
Femme pensive--Frannie is still musing over the menu................
We have grand luncheon companions--like Miss Corrine..................
And the lovable Poopette.................
Not to mention my ever lovin' beloved Dwightie.........................
Keeks has something profound to say................................
Frannie must shield herself from the sheer BRILLIANCE of Keeker's utterance...............
Everyone is delighted and amazed with the delicious lunch..................
Thanks everyone for treating me to a marvelous occasion! I love you!

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