Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Last year, my children treated me to a trip to New York for my 60th birthday. I came home with over 3,000 pictures and now, almost a complete year later, I am catching up to day 14--my birthday!
On our way to Brooklyn, we stopped off at Times Square to see the Michael Jackson tributes that were being flashed on the screens in respect to his death on the day previous.

There were crowds of people obviously moved by Michael's death.

Goodbye to a great entertainer--you will be missed........
On the subway, we were serenaded by a band of mariachis. They didn't really sing "Las Mananitas", but it felt like a special birthday present from home anyway.....
I saved my favorite NYC destination for my special day--Greenwood Cemetery in Brooklyn......

Greenwood is a national treasure and was one of the first Romantic Cemeteries in the United States........
Our "Greenwood Day" is always my favorite day on any trip to New York........
The tombstones that follow are part of a program to restore some of the hundreds of Civil War Veteran graves that have fallen into disrepair......

In the mid-nineteenth century, Greenwood Cemetery was the second most popular tourist attraction in the state of New York--second only to Niagara Falls. The beauty of the cemetery in a time when naturalistic settings were rare in the industrialized city attracted many folks for scenic tours........

Gotta get moving--this is my special day...........

This is the Civil War Monument on Battle Hill............
This figure is part of the Civil War Monument. All of the standing figures have been recently refurbished.........
There are graves of war dead from many wars on Battle Hill........

Some of whom were awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor..............

This was probably and Irish born soldier. In the Civil War, many of the Irish immigrants were conscripted right off the boats arriving from Ireland...............

Love can flourish anywhere..........

This fantastic monument is even air-conditioned...........

A woman in her element............
Here is the mighty Minerva in full salute.............

Sister goddesses--Diana is the goddess of the moon, you know........
If you look out from this highest spot in the cemetery, you can see who it is that Minerva is saluting--her sister Liberty in the harbor.........

One of the winding paths...........
Can't let a stone in a shoe slow you down...............

Some of the monuments break your heart..........
But all of these "littlest angels" will not be forgotten.............

Those monuments that face the sea side of the cemetery experience more erosion...........
I really love this man who has done so much to make this my perfect day.............

Some of the Audobon's "Great American Trees" are in this huge green garden.........

This governor DeWitt Clinton--one of the greatest statesmen of his day, and getting him buried in Greenwood was the coup that helped establish the cemetery. The citizens of New York took up collections for his monument and as you can see, he is depicted in a compromise of attire of his time period and classical drapery of the past.........
His monument is situated in a prized location and is landscaped with special attention.........
Clinton's achievements are represented in friezes on the monument. This one depicts the building of the Eirie Canal.............
A "Danny Finish" on this shot...........
Greenwood is actually prettier than Central Park..............

We take a brief respite before continuing on..................

I read about this new monument in the Greenwood Newsletter. It has been donated to honor a famous naturalist painter.........
Named William Holbrook Beard.............If the bear looks familiar, it is the work of a New Mexico artist who has others on display here in Santa Fe.......

The weather is perfect, the company is perfect, the location is sublime.........

Wonder who's interred behind this moldy old door.............

Why it's that old furniture maker--Duncan Phyfe........

Male model strikes a pose.............

Dwight noticed a damaged tree.......................

Near a monument that the falling limb also damaged...............

Even marble gets fragile after some time in the elements.........
The moisture accounts for a lot of the mold.................
This is an elaborate monument for the inventor Elias Howe..........
But what I appreciate most about his site is this lovely monument he erected for his faithful dog...........

Happy days are here again..........

Lots of different influences on this monument............

A very pretty fence................
One of the many ponds............

Poster (ized) girl.......
Lots of ducks........Greenwood is famous for many varieties of birds............
The well known Cassard monument...........
A spot with a mixture of monument styles................

A stately grave...............

A lovely lady high on a pinnacle............................

Who provides a high perch for a lucky bird................
Up close and personal...............

Greenwood is so vast that it would take days to see it all.............

Dwight checks his map to see where we should go next................

A huge Celtic cross..........
Wondering what the decade of my sixties will hold............

The Jerome monument--Winston Churchill's mother was a member of this prominent family--Jenny Jerome...........
"Workin' it" in the cemetery...........

No comment...............

Necropolis--city of the dead.............
The gorgeous door to a stately crypt..........

This stained glass window is in the back of a crypt, the foliage is reflected off the glass door............
The Cemetery Chapel--also used for concerts and lectures these days............
Blythe spirit..............
Pensive spirit..................

Here's Currier, where's Ives? I think he's at rest in Greenwood as well............
Lots of upkeep here.............
Lots of "something else" here.........
Thanks Dwightie for a wonderful morning.........
We're hot and a little tired, but happy to be meeting the girls for a Birthday luncheon next.......
Goodbye to our beloved Greenwood Cemetery!

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