The last day of Fiesta!--and we're on our way
downtown for our last goodies on the plaza and to stake out our spot for the parade....................

Felicia has an early flight back to New York, but she found us downtown to say goodbye...........

It was so sweet for her to go to the extra trouble to find us and thank us--she really is a wonderful girl!.................

Goodbye Miss Soto--hope to see you again soon......................

Before changing for the
parade, the San Franciscans pose with a hot car on the plaza...............

Sarah cuts a lovely figure as she arrives at our "parade spot".........................

We have loved meeting Miss Maldonado also--such wonderful friends our girl's have!...................

We're all set for the parade. Dwight brings our vehicle down and parks it about 3:00 am. stuffed with a cooler of drinks, chairs,
umbrellas, and blankets and we come down early and stake our claim on Palace Avenue.........................

Our precious Dude............

One last Navajo Taco for those New Yorkers..................

"My skirt's bigger than your skirt!".....................
Giancarlo DiPalma--Man of the People........................

The siblings are set.......................

"Wanna share with your Mama?".....................
Josina brings her own chair....................

"Hey, Mama, looks what's coming down the street............"

Sure enough, the Cathedral is approaching us from the west--even though it sits at the eastern terminal of San Francisco street......................

I doubt that's the real La
Conquistadora--it's probably one of her stand-ins....................................

No Fiesta parade is complete without at least one mini-

A lovely queen from
Las Vegas with her court--most too little to "tangle" with (I'll explain that later)................

This "Spanish Settler" has a bit of a 'Bad Boy" vibe doesn't he?...................

From bad boys to bad girls--our lovely queen does not have her full court with her today. As the public found out months later, the Queen and one of her Princesses threw hooks at the Grand
Baile and the evil princess was banned from the float.
DeVargas himself tried to break them up with the Queen flailing her royal scepter in the brawl. Gotta LOVE Fiesta in Santa Fe! ..................................

Another young cousin dressed as a nun--this is becoming a trend..............

Even the youngest cousins are going "
clerical" on us........................

Miquela makes a pretty Settler......................

This one's got it all, it just says "FLOAT"!.........................

Amazing! Is St. Vincent's trying to drum up business with this flower bedecked CANCER float?.............


These caballeros from the
Espanola Onate Fiesta apparently got rather drunk in Santa Fe last night, flirted with a few groovy chicks from San Francisco and.....................

One beautiful
blonde ended up with a caballero's royal
insignia. Like the good girl that she is, Sarah makes sure that he gets it back.
Hmmmmm wonder how this played in the valley...............

A caballero on horseback is eyeing our Miss
Toesette, but all she got is a coke.................

HAPPY 400TH BIRTHDAY SANTA FE!..........................

And the crowd roared...............

Columbus sailed the ocean blue..........
Quien sabe?.....................

Sarah shares with Marcos.............

Gotta love the Santa Fe High Demons!!!............................

And my favorite Demon, Joe

I think they had more fun than we thought in the old days.................

Civic pride amongst the cousins.................

Hail to thee Historical/Hysterical parade...........................
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