Well, Fiesta 2010 is almost at it's close.......................

Just a moment of quiet before heading down to the Plaza for our last "fiesta fix". No hurry though because our blankets, chairs, drinks and umbrellas are already waiting for us because Dwight made his customary "park and run" at 3:00 a.m..................................................

It always seems like at least one of our Fiesta visitors has to leave early, and this time, it was Shannon. We were so pleased that she made the extra effort to locate us downtown for a final goodbye. What a precious young lady! We are so happy that Fiesta has included meeting so many wonderful young people through the years..................................

The morning's entertainment on the Plaza included an outstanding production by the Santa Fe Public Schools' combined choir.....................

So many beautiful young faces!!--Looking rather
ethereal here.............

every town must have their own "Gavin".........................

Teenagers from the High Schools were the core of this talented choir....................

But there were singers of many different ages included........................

From young elementary students...................

To pretty teenagers.................

To movie stars......................

Hail to thee Santa Fe Public Schools--a totally EXCELLENT

Sarah en route to the final parade. Next month she will be in Medical School and be getting married.............

Princess Donna might be moving back to San Diego if all her family obligations are finished................

And Queen Danielle will be resuming her career as a physical sports trainer...................

As usual, Elliott has a corner on all the luscious babes..............

Wonder what these big city girls will think of our Historical/Hysterical Parade..................

Allison's boyfriend is enjoying his first time in Santa
Fe and at Fiesta..................

Theresa and daughter Trish are anxious to see Emily in the parade......................

"Who's got the most
yack NOW, Mother?"...........................................

And the parade begins.............an historical entry................

The obligatory mini-

Elliott is almost finished with Fiesta and ready for
Mardi Gras..................................

This year's caballeros take their last ride...................

uniforms soldados!--Much more attractive than the "pajamas" worn by our real soldiers these days.........................

Nice Appaloosa......................

Merlin leads a
medieval entry...............
Ooops, more caballeros, I guess they got out of order..................

Of all the politicians, I am most likely to vote for this guy--except for..........................

Denish!! That's our enthusiastic little Frannie riding atop this entry.......................

Turning the tables on the parade watchers, Frannie takes THEIR photo FROM the parade. Seriously, for the sake of our country and the rights of it's people be sure to vote on Tuesday--DEMOCRATIC!!!.............................

Their is a belief that the best looking folks in New Mexico come from
Las Vegas, this lovely
Las Vegas Fiesta Queen does her part to strengthen that belief...............

This was Dwight's favorite entry. I don't know why.....................

th Anniversary for Santa Maria
de la
Paz Parrish! Hey
isn't this the same cake that said 400 last year for the

Farewell lovely princesses of 2010!..................

and beautiful Queen! Thanks for a totally
simpatico court...................

"Yeah! No fighting!!"..................

Also simpatico, the girls from
Taos. Yesterday they were in green, today in a lovely maroon..................

and their queen Desiree.....................

The biggest crowd
pleaser on our corner--the Native Hispanic Heroes entry!...............

because it included a tribute to all of our favorite hero--Artie!!......................

Don't know what it is, but it IS colorful..........................

Tina and I pose--one of her friends took this same shot with his 3-D camera. (or as Waymon said: "His 36D camera".)....................................................

"Hey, isn't this the exact same parade we saw last year?"...............................

"Yes, it is! Even WE have seen enough Fiesta Parades to know that!"...........................

Ready for one final revolution around the Plaza.............

"Yep, this MY town, and I LOVE it!.......................

THE FINAL FLOUNCE.......................

"So what did you think Elliott? This is probably the FIRST Fiesta that you'll be able to remember..............................................

Sleep tight Sweet Prince and live to party hardy once more.....................

Oh, those two pair of pants left at out party? Sweet little Allison came by to pick them up. I guess one pair belongs to that San Francisco boyfriend........................

And so goodby to another Santa fe Fiesta. It's always a little bit different and always a little bit, comfortingly. the same and WE LOVE IT--because it is OURS!!
QUE VIVA LA FIESTA! And good time was had by all...........................
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