It's Christmas morning 2010....................

And it's time to open and share our gifts...............

Frannie is ready to start--with a nice little stack of her own............
Kiki is appreciating her loot................

Zozo knows no season.....................................

Everyone is getting into his/her own special goodies..................

Winston knows all about celebrating Christmas...................

Because he has the most presents of all!--Thanks to this huge loaded stocking given to him by his special friend, Tinker........................

"Hey, how come I don't have a 'special friend'?".....................................

"Yeah, or me either?--Aren't I 'cat popular'?"........................

Sorry little pets, but it's just like in the human world--some folks just get MORE presents than others........................

Bleepin' Christmas!"...............................

Diana is loving her gifts......................

Keekers is mystified by hers..................

Frannie is

And Baby
Binks is stockpiling her loot...................

Now, WHO could this be from?.....................................

Every Mama HAS to give the kids P.J.s................

This Mama is thrilled with her new camera from ALL her kiddos..................

A sly Frannie enjoys her new electronics.................

Binks models one of her sister's new vintage hats......................

soooo good to be the golden child.....................

There's plenty of corned beef to enjoy through the day..........(I strongly suspect that little Mei Toy will be getting a taste from her Daddy as well)...................

AND SO THIS IS CHRISTMAS! And a good time was had by all!!
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