As the New Year begins, there are many activities at Cielo Azul that do not generate enough photos for a complete post, so I have lumped them together in a little assortment of memories.....
Like preparing our contribution to the eats at a Core Kids Super Bowl Party. P.S. We are San Francisco supporters....
Although I am apparently the only one who found a treasure at this particular sale....
Of course, Danny can be counted on to challenge the validity of calling it a "treasure".....
We have a SPECTACULAR day of TV watching on Inauguration Day....
"Hail to the Chief" and thanks for all the errrrr HOPE!......
Next day, I delight in the coverage of a fabulous Inauguration Address.
But Giano was more interested in what Michelle wore to the Inaugural Ball......
In the winter, all three dogs can be found lying in a row in the patches of sunlight coming in through the French Door.......
Although the outdoor life is just fine with some cats like Topaz....
Because her fur is so fine, Zsa Zsa needs a little warm T-Shirt on cold days,,,,,
We make a sad trip to Isleta to say "Goodbye" to Dwight's very good friend, Louie....
Here his clansmen make the sad trek to Elizabeth's house with the liter to carry their friend back to the church one last time. As is the Indian way, all services were concluded before sundown on the day Louie died. Goodbye to a wonderful good-hearted guy and a loyal and trusted friend.....May you rest in well-deserved peace.....
No T-shirt, must be a warm day.....
Diana playing dress-up in preparation for the Chinese New Year party.....
And trying on fancy tops with her pajamas.............
After delighting us for several months, after the party, it is finally tine to take down the village.....so there will be no more little Parisian school girls enjoying a trip to the museum....
Or folks like Terrie and Richie enjoying a sip in the coffee house of some European square.......Actually, one of the reasons the village was up so long this year was because all of the Core Kids at the Chinese Party had to find themselves in the metropolis that is the Village.....
This year it is especially sad to take it down, because I have decided that because of the huge allotment time needed to set the village up, I am not going to put up until another two years.......
Oh my goodness!--is that Winston trapped in one of the village boxes?........

Tallulah thinks he just want too much attention for his cute antics..........
Valentine's Day arrives again....
And 2013 is another extravaganza of love and loot.....
But come March, who is that lurking in the bushes?.....
Why it's Zozobra's pint-sized Tio Coco put up by the Kiwanis Club.....
For just a handful of people......
And some of the Cielo Azul faithful.....
The really best view is from Patrick's balcony....
"Why I remember when Santa Fe was a simple town and people were satisfied in only ONE Zozobra a year".........................
"Get over it, Mom--Times Change........"
Twilight becomes Giano
The requisite fireworks.......
And our trouble burn away--AGAIN..........
So, as Spring approaches, all the felines at Cielo Azul.....
And all the canines too--wish you a fun and joyous springtime! Oh, and the human concur as well.....