Wednesday, May 15, 2013

 In the early springtime--the weekend after Easter--Santa Fesanos look forward to a wonderful affair.....

 The Socidad Floklorica's Baile de Cascarones!  And Dwight and I are looking forward to the evening......

 I am wearing a very special new skirt bought from a gentle reader of this blog, which sports seventy rows of ric rac and braid.  If it looks like a few rows less, please know that all the black areas have at least three rows of black ric rac.............

 Sisi and Lou meet us at the fireplace in the lobby of the Community Convention Center.  This center has already in it's short life proven to be a meeting place for many, many Santa Fe events--we've been here for the NM Centennial Ball, a Fiesta Masquerade Ball. a Queen's Ball, and lots of happy wedding celebrations..........
 And I think this is our fourth Baile de Cascarones in this location...........

 The Chavezes look particularly handsome tonight in their Santa Fe garb.....

 As do the White's in their contemporary Santa Fe clothes--many days now, they are dressed in traditional garb from centuries past as docents at Las Golodrinas Ranch.........

 Vamos a bailar,,,,,,,,,,,,
Elanor was one of the first happy faces we met as we bought our tickets........

 And the lovely Linda, former Fiesta Queen and High School Counselor Extraordinaire......

 Julia, who I believe, is the Socidad's current President, gets into a "Red Boot" contest with a happy caballero.........

 Exhilda is helping with the Silent Auction of donated items and special Cascarones......

 As is Roberta............
 Our own Miss Beth and her amiga are in charge of the boxes of cascarones--beautifully decorated eggs filled with confetti that are essential as the evening progresses..........

 Did I mention that there were Movie Stars in attendance?.......

 Lots of Movie Stars...........

 And Male Models too--here Lou points out some of the intricacies of his gorgeous shirt.  There is also a large bear design on the back of the shirt.........

 Let the "colonial" dancing begin.......

Now, THIS is how a respectful gentleman requests a dance at the Baile de Cascarones.  He breaks a confetti filled egg ABOVE  (not ON) the head of his beloved....

 These youngsters are in the tail end of the Gran Marcha--a MUST at any Spanish dance.......

 This year there were a lot of young dancers--learning the traditional dances like the "hankercheif" dance, the "apron and tie" dance, La varsivana (sp?), La Cuma................
 Miss Barbara loves them all..............

 Who have the Chavezes spotted?...........

 Oh, it's our favorite--Miss Beth............

 "I saw her first!"
"No, I saw her first!"...........

 When the music stops on the "get acquainted" dance, you might not end up with someone your own age.....

 Or even of the opposite sex.............

 This guy's moves are not so devastating that his partner has "swooned"--if you check out her feet, you will see that she is a broom..........
 And this is the infamous "broom" dance............

 The younger dancers have their own broom line--and a more cheerful looking broom too......

 But it's still difficult to get someone to take her from you..........

 So goodbye from the totally enjoyable "Baile de Cascarones"....

 With special thanks to our darling Beth, and all the ladies of the Socidad Florkica for all their hard work to keep our Santa Fe traditions alive..............

And maybe many more of you, gentle readers, will be joining us next year for the 75th BAILE DE CASCARONES--A GOOD TIME WILL BE HAD BY ALL!!

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