Friday, May 10, 2013

 Time to crack out all the new squaw dresses--the Bienvenidos Booth is opening today.........

 The club faithful are gathering under the portal adjacent to the booth........

 And the Opening Day regulars--Dorothy and Alice are ready to help the public.  Actually, this is not "the public" it is the Booth Stalker, er...I mean "Stocker", Scott...........

 Our co-presidents brighten the somewhat gloomy weather with their high-beam smiles........

 And many club members don an extra layer or two to brave the weather.......

 Pat, last year's president is probably very glad her double term is over........

 Olinda tries to NEVER miss the opening.........

 The Mayor is in attendance for what will be his last Booth Opening as Mayor......

 "Oh, Mr. Mayor, you're so big and strong--we wish you would run for Mayor again........."

Not everybody in attendance is feeling the "cordial" vibe........

 But Frances is sure feeling chipper........

 One of my cronies from Tuesday Mass happened by--as you can see, with no interest in the opening....

 The presidents open the ceremony with some optimistic words......

 And the Chief Operating Officer of the bank renews his support to the partnership of Bienvenidos and the bank.....

 "Bienvenidos helps our city 'this much'".............

 "Them's fighting words!"--but Alice seems happy.........

 The Mayor thanks the club for it's service to Santa Fe............

 Now the pose--with the BIG scissors.......

And the booth is officially open for 2013!

 We celebrate with delicious eats......

 Of course some booth workers are more interested in the plight of tourists to Santa Fe than others.........

 But the booth is up and operating and all you gentle readers are invited to drop by and visit.......

So here's hoping that for visitors to the City Different, A GOOD TIME WILL BE HAD BY ALL!

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