Wednesday, October 16, 2013

It's back to the Fiesta Posts.......
  Dwight and I are anxious to see this year's Pet Parade......

 And this intricate skirt is just begging for a Saturday Skirt Blockade......

 One of the first people we see is one of Santa Fe's top Cops and her camera shy little one.....

 But soon the parade begins.......

 And it is led by this year's Grand Marshal........

 And of course, the sound of the Fiesta--a band of traveling Mariachis.........

 Just what the heart needs to brighten up the day.............

 And of course, our totally gorgeous Queen.  I am so impressed with this year's Queen, I wish we could keep her for a few more years............

 Another "Keeper", our precious Theresa leading the dogs from the Santa Fe Animal Shelter.....
The showing to the public via the parade the many wonderful pets available for adoption is particularly dear to us........
Because it was eight years ago,  in this very parade--with the Espanola Animal Shelter-- that we spotted this adorable little creature--our Solange! We adopted her a few days after this photo was taken.........

And she has become a cherished and essential member of our family!  Thanks Rescue Folks!

 What is a dominato?

 Well, I don't know, but I do know that he is a part of our Friend Bernadette's troupe.  She and her friends have been entering for over thirty years--first with their children and now with grandchildren......

 Can you say "Beautiful Princess"?........

 It takes talent....

 Hard work....

And ENTHUSIASM to keep up with these little gymnasts.........

 "On Demons, down that field........."..............

 Always sounds great!...........

 A lot parents are super good sports like this man supporting the Atalaya School Turkey Trot.....

 And loving it.........

 The obligatory turkey..............

 The Basset Hound shows his might.....
 Thinking GREEN--the world's cutest chia pets................

A family of convicts with their convict pup.......

 Wait a minute!--Is that who I think it is?  He went by so fast, I didn't even get a shot of June Bug.....

 And who is that masked man?  And where is Smokey?

 And in a flash, it was "High Ho Silver!--and away...." But you can see that they left the spectators fascinated.....

 A real HOT DOG!

 "Aye, Matey!"....

 Lots of pirates and Pirate Dogs in this group.........

 It's really hard to figure out who has the most muscle in this group......

 Another mystery--que es "Stellaluna"?.........
 Here are some fleecy clouds announcing JACKS FAIRY TAIL......

 This is really one of the best thought out entries......

 Why, they even have a hideous giant--who apparently eats bunny rabbits........Boooo

All hail La Reina!

 I guess you kinda know it when you have one of the most adorable pets......

 A totally cute little snail.....

"Hello, Kitty....."

 Why that looks like a rather familiar St. Francis.................

 And along with his walking pets, he has a gentle dove--and a pretty savy handler.....

 The quintessential parade dog!!

 And she looks fast just standing still in her jogging duds...........

These fairies have one dog that seems to be a relative of our Zsa Zsa.............

 What?--yet ANOTHER celebrity?

 " I think I can, I think I can, I KNOW I can!"
 Father Adam with his favorites--the kids!

 Some pretty classy rides here.............

 He's pretty weasely, but he's cute............

 Another cast of pirates........

 Fish pensive..........


 The Lorax....
 And his friends.  I'm not sure what the "unless" is all about.........

And still don't know............and so ends our shots of the parade, but the day is yet young.......

 After the parade, it's time for some good old Fiesta Booth Food.....

 And for staking out the "Montoya Saturday After The Parade" corner....

 And for posing with people we love.........

 Well, if it isn't the cowpokes from the parade....(sporting some tenderfoot foot gear)

 Now, THAT'S June Bug.............

 Posing with some very fancy Spaniards in front of the family crests on the Palace of the Governors.....

 ERRR.........THERE WAS AN INCIDENT!! Alice is busted for one of the weirdest city ordinances yet--"No dogs allowed on the plaza after the Pet Parade".  I'm sending this photo to THE INQUIRER for their expose of "Granny Abuse"..............

 The girls are warming up for the Skirt blockade shot......

 And here it is:  THE OFFICIAL 2013 SATURDAY STREET SKIRT BLOCKADE PHOTO! (As you can tell from the fellow in the background:  "and the crowd went wild!......)

And now for the single most predominate activity of all Fiesta Goers--CURB SITTING--for hours and hours...............

One of these things is not as happy as the others..........

 HEART OF MY HEART--my darling son............

 Later in the day we attended an open house for the Voces gang  at a gorgeous home hosted by a gracious lady....

 These couple of shots of our group I borrowed from a friend's Facebook site..........

 After a refreshing late afternoon nap, I'm up again and singing--partially because yet one more fiesta dress has made it out of the closet this year..........

But mostly because we are off to a party at out friend Albert's house that from experience we know will last into the wee hours--QUE VIVA LA FIESTA!! (And so ends Fiesta Saturday)

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