Friday, October 25, 2013


REMEMBERING SUMMER 2013....................
Most of these photos are from batches that were too small to create an entire post or from huge batches (like trips) that I hope to work on come winter and so this is just a little sampling)

Early in the summer, Giano gets pretty dirty working on a project for his mother.....

And it comes out pretty nicely too--and it keeps a certain little "jumper" safe in the yard.....

Early this summer, we have a thrill when Santa Fe's hometown hero parachuted into the park right behind our house.....

En route to the dedication of his statue in front of City Hall......

On the plaza on our way to Tia Sophias because Frannie is treating me to breakfast, because.......

Today is my Birthday!................

Complete with a party and presents......

Lots of presents!.......

So, I guess they still need me, and I KNOW they still feed me, Now that I'm 64.....

In San Francisco, the summer starts with one of many summer celebrations, I think this is Pride Week......

And someone else who has become very dear to us also celebrates his birthday in June......

Cathedral Park is a haven all summer.....

Remember the old lyrics: "and no one's getting fat except for Mamma Cass"?  Well, I know someone else who's getting pretty chunky..............

 Is that the Capshaws on some tropical isle?--no, just at the Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas.......

 Where we're off on a trip with the Core Kids......

 To attend a very special event--Gavin's graduation from Liberty High School.....

That's held in the arena of a Casino no less....

 At the party afterwards, Landon swims in the pool.....

 And Makenna practices the graduate thing....
And Chace is just his loveable self......
In Vegas we eat lots of good food.....

 Tour all the famous sights--some wholesome.....

 Some, not so much.....

 We enjoy the Fremont Street Experience.....
 Where Dwight has a wild ride on the zip line.....

 We hob-nob with celebrities.........(I just LOVE that Rock!)

And most especially get to spend some quality time with family that we wish we could see more often......

 In summer back home we get to enjoy our hometown on our morning walks....

 And the Cathedral is always beautiful!

 July 4th is a national holiday's Dwight's Birthday! (and some other stuff too)........

 On the way down to the Plaza, I enjoy my own first handshake with Leroy's statue--something all Santa Fe's youngsters will be doing for years to come....

 We enjoy the car show.....

 And a Birthday celebration for Dwight with friends from the Class of 67--Dwight took the photo, but the arrow designates where he sat and enjoyed knowing that we still need that he's 64!

A group of the cousins manage to be in town at the same time.....

 And the girls have a great time with their cousin from Ireland and her pal.....

 I get to work in the Bienvenidos booth downtown....

 with great people like my friend Juanita.....

And get to wear a different fiesta dress every time!.....

 Someone has surgery--and doesn't like it much.....

 And someone else gets a bath--and doesn't like it much either.....

The carefree wardrobe of summer.....

 And as the hollyhocks are blooming in Santa Fe....

 We're off on a road trip to California....

 Where our dear cousin Frisco hosts us the first night....

 And we visit Hearst Castle...

 And marvel at the opulence....

 And we arrive in San Francisco for our obligatory shot in Alamo Square....

 And attend both games of a Giant's double header......

 With our wonderful hosts who we also love so much.....

 We re-enact famous murders in the streets....

 And get to see all the girls we are so fond of at the Museum of Science....

 Are the streets vertical enough for you?.....

 We also get see an A"s game.....

 And someone else plays here too..............

 We even get to spend a night at the legendary El Rancho Hotel in Gallup on the way home....
 But it's great to be back home.....THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME.......
Where the heart is....

 And the history.....

And all the furry little beasts too.....

 Meanwhile back in Berlin, Chiara is getting ready to leave....

 And so she is treated to a hearty going-away party.......

 And is soon in the bosom of her family and the land she loves.....(most of the photos of Kiki's visit are either in the Fiesta pictures or will come up in the Fall Photos.)

 So, we say a lingering goodbye to the joys of summer....

 The lazy days in the garden.....

 The adventures that beckon....
 All all the sweet joys that make summer, SUMMER!

But fear not!--for just as sure as this world turns on it's axis, Summer will come again and.......A GOOD TIME WILL BE HAD BY ALL!!!!

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