Wednesday, March 05, 2014

The folks at La Fonda were nice enough to offer Bienvenidos a tour of their remodeled facility.  I attended two tours because Alice was ill for the first one and the photos are a mixture of both days.  This first photo is me leaving for the second tour.....
 We all meet in the lobby
 Near the beautiful La Plazuela Restaurant....
 In a board room we are treated to an informative lecture on the history of La Fonda and enjoy some vintage photographs.....
 Our host, Ed Pulsifer, an ardent admirer of the hotel he helps run.....
 Thanks to Judy for organizing the tour--quite a feat.  Four different tours had to be scheduled to accommodate all the members interested......
 One of the many works of art that we admire on our tour.....
And we're off......
 Many of the rooms feature replicas of the designs of an architect of the earlier days of the hotel who designed everything from headboards to furniture for the old hotel....
 Ed Pulsifer explains how this headboard was made combining the designs of two smaller beds by Colter....
 Some of the painted windows by Ernest Martinez are now displayed in the hallways....

 Another example.....
 Even the fire extinguished gets La Fondaized.....

 The members enjoy the beautiful and luxurious rooms.....
 Tile work in the bathrooms....
 Carmella before a cozy fireplace....
 Barbara admires another headboard....
 As does Elle.....
 This room had shutters.....
 And all rooms have lots of original artwork....
 Joella likes this modern Indian painting....
 Others especially enjoy the mirrors....
 And Helen likes this chest saved from the "old days".....

More tile in the bathrooms......
 View from the Bell Tower on the SW corner of La Fonda....This western terrace has been expanded to the north so that more tables can be added to the Bell Tower.....

 Elle is anxious to enjoy a drink out here when it opens come warmer weather and to sample the eats from the newly installed kitchen....
 Blanche enjoys the view of Loretto Chapel and like many of us, she is glad to hear that restrooms have been installed on this level so that Bell Tower patrons will not have to go downstairs to find the facilities......
 Blanche is also, no doubt, making warm weather plans herself....

 It's great fun to see some of these views of Santa Fe that you can only see from LaFonda....

 Juanita poses for a Birthday Portrait with her hometown at her feet....

 A zoomed view of the Plaza from the terrace of one of the luxury suites on the same floor as the Bell Tower....
 Back downstairs to the Pool/spa area....
 A lovely spot to relax...
 Or to exercise in the gym before this lovely mural.  The artists were two very young Indian cousins and tragically, one of them passed away shortly after it was done.....

 And it's back to the heart of the Hotel....
 This part of La Fonda was untouched in the remodeling....
 This lovely painted window by Ernest Martinez is in everyone's favorite--the Santa Fe Room.....
 Ed explains how great effort was taken to protect this old map painting when all the plumbing and demolition was going on upstairs.  Many members shared their warm memories of this special place....
 Meanwhile, I wandered into the New Mexico room next door and took a few shots from this very very long painting (Lanz?) of Mexican life in another time....
Another section....
 The last part of our tour was of the NE portion of the hotel where all the celebrities stay....
 Like this famous woman....
 Near the desk for the personal concierge who caters to these special guests, Blanch poses besides a charming staircase....
 With whimsical bunnies...
 That we all fell in love with....

 The tubs in these luxury rooms feature views in the way of murals....

 If the view from your terrace is not enough for you....
 More detail from more wrought iron gates....

Olinda likes the view so much, she might just stay here....
 This suite could be its own apartment with a beautiful fireplace,,,
 And a complete kitchen....
 New Mexican artwork...
 And a very personal terrace....
 Just right for this Cowboy-Girl....
 Vigas in the bedroom...

 Tile in the bathroom...
And more lovely tinwork...
 We now moved on to Las Terrazas--a ballroom with special memories for the Capshaws because this is where Crista had her wedding reception...

 Skylight in Las Terrazas.....

 And one of my favorite fireplaces....
 Scott enjoys the room...
 And outside is one of Santa Fe's new iconic places for photos--the Rudicks agree....

 As does Nancy...
And Helen....
 Today, there was a crew taking down the holiday decorations at the Cathedral...

 So, Thanks so much to Judy for arranging our tour, and Ed for taking the time to share his expertise with us....

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