Monday, August 04, 2008

We're excited about a party at Maureen & Elliott's home on a warm summer evening....
The guest of honor--Tom Fitzgerald, visiting from the East coast....
Another CSF alum, Bobby McLaughlin--seemingly recuperated from recent surgery, Good to see you doing so well....
My former boss--Art Michael...
A pensive Juanita....
And her other half--Marty...
A beaming Rita--who is undaunted in her battle fighting cancer--she, as always, is an inspiration to all!
A very animated conversation....

The gentlemen get into some male bonding....
The "Boss of all Bosses".....
A convivial group....
Peg and our newly elected District Attorney, Spence--she has no opposition in the general election.....
And a good time was had by all!! Thanks to our hosts, the Greggs! (far right)

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