Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The day has finally arrived for a very special event....
We're all dressed up to celebrate an awesome occurrence........

The wedding of a sweet girl we have know since she was just a baby--Megan!

The setting for her wedding is the historic Golondrinas ranch...... This shot is of the ancient dwellings near the entrance, but the wedding was held a good quarter mile down the country lane.....

Along the way, we saw groves of trees growing up along the many springs in La Cinega.....

And a tractor standing silent on this Sunday afternoon after furrowing the fields........

The road meandered past several clearings that are also used sometimes for weddings........(By the way, golf carts were available for anyone too elderly or infirmed or lazy to make the walk.)
Dwight is loving this country scenery......

On a nearby hill top, a morada sits in silent sentry......

The morada is apparently still used occasionally by the Cienega Brotherhood for their rites.....

Around each bend are pleasing sights of early spring......

The fruit trees of this orchard have just finished blooming.....

And the sound of the babbling brook make a pleasant sound track for the afternoon's events.....
We finally reach the site of the ceremony--beside the banks of this lovely little willow shaded pond..........
The guests are gathering pond side nestled behind the old mill that affords shelter from a rather brisk spring wind......
A rustic old bridge leads into the wedding site.....

Where the guests are waiting for the big event.....

The nice thing about it being early spring, the full sun is not too hot--really just perfectly warming.....
The parents of the groom are consulting with Rosemary--an old friend of Megan's parents who has become ordained as a minister for performing weddings.........
Flowers festoon the bridge leading to the marriage site besides the pond.....

The first guests we encounter are Linnea an her precious family......

And an old high school chum--Angie--and her husband who came all the way down from Colorado for the wedding............
Leesie--Megan's Aunt--rests on a hay bale awaiting the start of the ceremony......

While her husband, Pat, records the video......

Up on the adjacent hillside, Megan is ready to get things underway............
And the mothers of the bride and groom are up and awaiting the wedding party....

Megan's big brother Damien is ready to lead the group...........

One last look at this single girl......
And the processional begins..............
Very cool! Very GUYS AND DOLLS!...................
As often happens, the Matron of Honor has to corral and lead the ring bearer............

And the flower girl just had to be carried.............

Here comes the bride....................
with her dad........................

Joining his wife, Terry, Marty watches the ceremony..........
As Rosemary does her thing, there is some pretty interesting eye contact going on between the bride and groom..............
The girls listen to some pretty good advice................

And a reading by another friend.............
One reason I will never be a wedding photographer--I missed the good shot here--apparently something involving rings and things................
"I do!" "I do!"..................................................................

"You may now kiss your bride!"........................................

A most happy couple!.........................................
We wish you every happiness in the years to come! Congratulations!

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